
M. Crichton
Intro to his book TIMELINE
Science At The End Of The Century
A hundred years ago, as the 19th century drew to a close, scientists around the world were satisfied that they had arrived at an accurate picture of the physical world. As physicist Alastair Rae put it “By the end of the 19th century it seemed that the basic fundamental principles governing the behavior of the physical universe were known.”* Indeed, many scientists said that the study of physics were nearly completed: no big discoveries remained to be made, only details and finishing touches.
But late in the final decade, a few curiousities came to light . Roentgen discovered rays that passed through flesh; because these were unexplained, he called them X rays. Two months later, Henri Becquerel accidently found that a piece of uranium ore emitted something that fogged photographic plates. And the electron, the carrier of electricity, was discovered in 1897.
Yet on the whole, physicists remained calm, expecting that these oddities would eventually be explained by existing theory. No one would have predicted that within 5 years their complacent view of the world would be shockingly upended, producing an entirely new conception of the universe and entirely new technologies that would transform daily life in the 20th century in unimaginable ways.
*Alastair I.M. Rae, Quantum Physics: Illusion Or Reality?, Cambridge U Press 1994 -- Rae also -- Quantum Mechanics, 1986, -- also Richard Feynman, The Character of Physical Law, MIT press 1965
If you were to say to a physicist in 1899 that in 1999, a hundred years later, moving images would be transmitted into homes all over the world from satellites in the sky; that bombs of unimaginable power would threaten the species; that antibiotics would abolish infectious disease but that disease would fight back; that women would have the vote, and pills to control reproduction; that millions of people would take to the air every hour in aircraft capable of taking off and landing without human touch; that you could cross the Atlantic at 2000 miles an hour; that humankind would travel to the moon, and then lose interest; that microscopes would be able to see individual atoms, that people would carry telephones weighing a few ounces and speak anywhere in the world without wires; or that most of these miracles depended on devices the size of a postage stamp, which utilized a new theory called quantum mechanics -- if you said all this, the physicist would almost certainly pronounce you mad.
Most of these developments could not have been predicted in 1899, because prevailing scientific theory said they were impossible. And for the few developments that were not impossible, such as airplanes, the sheer scale of their eventual use would have defied comprehension. One might have imagined an airplane -- but ten thousand airplanes in the air at the same time would have been beyond imagining.
So it is fair to say that even the most informed scientists, standing on the threshold of the 20th century, had no idea what was to come.
Now that we stand on the threshold of the 21st century (1999), the situation is oddly similar. Once again physicists believe the physical world has been explained, and that no further revolutions lie ahead. Because of prior history, they no longer express this view publicly, but they think it just the same. Some observers have even gone so far as to argue that science as a discipline has finished its work; that there is nothing important left for science to discover (John Horgan, THE END OF SCIENCE--also--Gunther Stent PARADOXES OF PROGRESS 1978).
But just as the late 19th century gave hints of what was to come, so the late 20th century also provides some clues to the future. One of the most important is the interest in so-called quantum technology. This is an effort on many fronts to create a new technology that utilizes the fundamental nature of subatomic reality, and it promises to revolutionize our ideas of what is possible.
Quantum technology flatly contradicts our common sense ideas of how the world works. It posits a world where computers operate without being turned on and objects are found without looking for them. An unimaginably powerful computer can be built from a single molecule. Information moves instantly between two points, without wires or networks. Distant objects are examined without any contact. Computers do their calculations in other universes. And teleportation -- “Beam me up Scotty” -- is ordinary and is used in many different ways.
In the 1990s, research in quantum technology began to show results. In 1995, quantum ultrasecure messages were sent over a distance of 8 miles, suggesting that a quantum internet would be built in the coming century (DARPA TIME DOMAIN CORP PATRIOT ACT ETC).
In Los Alamos, physicists measured the thickness of a human hair using laser light that was never actually shone on the hair, but only MIGHT have been. This bizarre, “counterfactual” result initiated a new field of interaction-free detection which has been called “finding something without looking.”
And in 1998, quantum teleportation was demonstrated in 3 laboratories around the world -- in Innsbruck, in Rome and at Cal Tech.* Physicist Jeff Kimble, leader of the Cal Tech team, said that quantum teleportation could be applied to solid objects: “The quantum state of one entity could be transported to another entity...We think we know how to do that.” ** Kimble stopped well short of suggesting they could teleport a human being, but he imagined that someone might try with a bacterium.
* Dik Bouwmeester et al -- EXPERIMENTAL QUANTUM TELEPORTATION, Nature, 11 dec 1997
These quantum curiousities, defying logic and common sense, have received little attention from the public, but they will. According to some estimates, by the first decades of the new century, the majority of physicists around the world will work in some aspect of quantum technology.
It is therefore not surprising that during the mid 1990s, several corporations undertook quantum research. Fujitsu Quantum Devices was established in 1991. IBM formed a quantum research team in 1993, under pioneer Charles Bennet.* ATT and other companies (Time Domain Corporation) soon followed, as did universities at Cal Tech, and government facilities like Los Alamos...
“Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory does not understand it.” Neils Bohr, 1927
“Nobody understands quantum theory.” Richard Feynman, 1967
From The Book Timeline, by Michael Crichton
...pretty soon physicists began to realize that not only light, but all energy, was composed of particles. In fact all matter in the universe takes the form of particles... these particles are discreet units, or quanta. And the theory that describes how these particles behave is quantum theory. A major discovery in 20th century physics. Physicists continue to study these particles, and have begun to realize they are some very strange entities. You can’t be sure where they are, you can’t measure them exactly, and you can’t predict what they will do. Sometimes they behave like particles, sometimes like waves. Sometimes two particles will interact with each other even though they are a million miles apart, with no connection between them. And so on. The theory is starting to seem extremely weird.
Now, two things happen to quantum theory. The first is that it gets confirmed, over and over. Its the most proven theory in the history of science. Supermarket scanners, lasers and computer chips all rely on quantum mechanics. So there is absolutely no doubt that quantum theory is the correct mathematical decription of the universe.
But the problem is, its only a mathematical description. Its just a set of equations. And physicists can’t envision the world as implied by those equations--it is too weird, too contradictory. Einstein, for one, didn’t like that. He felt it meant the theory was flawed. But the theory kept getting confirmed, and the situation got worse and worse. Eventually, even Nobel Prize winners contributing to quantum theory had to admit they didn’t understand it. This made for a very odd situation. For most of the 20th century theres a theory of the universe that everyone uses, and everyone agrees is correct, but nobody can tell you what it is saying about the world...
Many physicists tried to explain the equations, but each explanation failed for one reason or another. Then in 1957 a physicist named Hugh Everett proposed a daring new explanation. Everett claimed that our universe--the universe we see, the universe of rocks and trees and people and galaxies out in space--was just one of an infinite numer of universes, existing side by side, constantly splitting off from each other. An infinity of worlds. Everett called this the MANY WORLD interpretation of quantum mechanics. His explanation was consistent with the quantum equations, but physicists found it hard to accept. They didn’t like the idea of all these worlds constantly splitting all the time. They found it unbelievable that reality could take this form. Most physicists still do not accept it, even though no one has ever proven it wrong.
Everett himself had no patience with his colleagues’ objections. He insisted his theory was true, whether you liked it or not. If you disbelieved his theory, you were just stodgy and old fashioned, exactly like the scientists who had disbelieved the Copernican theory that placed the sun at the center of the solar system--and which had also seemed unbelievable at the time it was proposed. Everett claimed the many worlds concept was ACTUALLY TRUE. There really WERE multiple universes constantly splitting off from our own. These multiple universes were eventually referred to as the MULTIVERSE.
As already mentioned, there has never been an experiment or happenstance to refute the Multiverse view of reality, and there is actually a famous experiment which PROVES the existance of the multiverse, wherein various numbers of slits in a board have light shined through them, with extremely odd results, not what you would imagine or consider to be common sense.
Light shined through one slit in a board produces a white bar on the wall opposite the slit, but two slits produce a whole series of bars of light, then if the light is shined behind FOUR slits, you get half as many bars of light as you did with two slits! Easily repeatable and this can be found on the net in many places. I searched for Multiverse Light Experiment.
Finally, it was argued that the oddity of the bars of light produced from shining a light through various slits in a board was possibly an artifact of the properties of light within this universe, but not only was that proven wrong, but the exact odd behavior was repeated under extremely controlled circumstances where one photon at a time was shot through the various arrangement of slits. The exact same patterning and anamolys were exhibited under these controlled circumstances, to the chagrin of many.
The anamolous way the light shows through a series of slits in a board is called the INTERFERENCE PATTERN, and the only thing that explains it perfectly is Everetts Multiverse interpretation of quantum theory, because even though we cannot see it happening, whenever light is shined between bars or slits it is INTERFERED with by other light of the neighboring worlds within the multiverse, and the interaction can actually draw energy from the other worlds, which bearden and others (I believe) call the TIME DOMAIN.
The TIME DOMAIN CORPORATION in Huntsville Alabama is one of the few companys who hold patents on the energy producing aspects of the quantum technology, as well as many other aspects of the quantum multiverse, though most of those patents are still classified, because these systems have all been weaponized to be used against the very people who financed them.
So. The actual evidence we can see of this technology being used on a macro scale are the many trails of particulate sprayed in the sky daily throughout the world, which are mentioned in Eastlunds patents as well as many others. The plumes are used for many things, because they are expensive and the world bank thinks it has figured a way to put Americans in debt 4ever with this breach of trust and common sense. A large number of the quantum techniques and properties are definitely used in conjunction with ENMOD techniques evident everywhere in the sky for the last 4.5 years especially.