Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Globalization : Military : Peace : U.S. Government

‘No nukes, no war!’

NEW YORK — The worldwide movement to end nuclear weapons, energized and united with the antiwar movement, is converging here for a month of actions. Kicking it off is a May 1 mass “No Nukes! No Wars!” march. On May 2, the United Nations opens a review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which aims to curb and eventually eliminate these weapons of mass destruction.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Culture

Book Review: The Janus-Face of Philip Roth’s "The Plot Against America"

Roth's latest novel about a fictional America may be not so fictional after all.

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Commentary :: Baltimore MD : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Gender and Sexuality : Health Care

Carver Center denies students rights to feminine products

Carver Center for Arts and Technology is making it impossible for female students to acquire feminine products in school unless they are brought by said student.

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Announcement :: Peace

Call for Art- 9-11 truth for Peace and Justice

The Northern california 9-11 truth Alliance has issued a Call for Art- theme- 9-11 truth for Peace and Justice. Over a thousand dollars in cash prizes, many additional prizes, youth and adult categories, deadline July 1st. Entries to be posted online, winners art to be published.

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/30/05)

who would have thought that we'd reach a time when you can learn more from Dr. Who than you can from most of the "progressive" media in the US?

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Commentary :: Right Wing

Neo-con's Definition of Freedom

It is imperative that the American people understand
what this word means to the neo-cons.

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News :: War in Iraq

Please Pass This Video Feed On, and On, and On

"Jim Senyszyn" wrote:

Marking the second year of
US occupation in Iraq:

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News :: Media

Wireless World: Rethinking passport chips

A story about how the state department wants to track people using passports.

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News :: Protest Activity


President of the United states

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News :: Animal Rights

In Serbia they shoot dogs

If the dog is man’s best friend, why is man sometimes the dog’s worst enemy?

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