First 9/11, Then 777: Will Iran be the next Iraq?
First, there was 9/11, followed by the Iraqi War, which was based on a pack of lies concocted by George W. Bush and his UK counterpart and “poodle,” PM Tony Blair. Now, there is the murderous attacks on London on July 7, 2005, a/k/a, “777.” Who benefits from 777? I suspect that Iran will now become the next target of the War Party. As a result, the conniving Neocons will again dominate our airwaves and America will be turned into a garrison state.
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Cannon Fodder
It is time B&B were taken from power and charged for the war criminal terrorists that they are. Who is next?
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News :: Miscellaneous
News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/8/05)
9/11 mayor Giuliani near London bomb scene.
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Johnny Got a Gun - Protest Song
07 Jul 2005
Johnny's Dad
By: Johnny's Dad (Please distribute freely)
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Impeach Bush protests in Salt Lake City
07 Jul 2005
CWCP Organizing Committee
Protesters gathered in Salt Lake City throughout June to call for U.S. President Bush's impeachment for "High Crimes" such as international lawbreaking, killing innocent civilians in Iraq and the like.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD
IMC posters arrested by FBI
07 Jul 2005
Frank McQueen
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BTL:Bush Call to 'Stay the Course in Iraq' Echoes Pronouncements Made During...
07 Jul 2005
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Vietnam War ~ Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Miscellaneous
News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/7/05)
Bush creates new FBI spy unit-further step towards a secret police force.
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