...Vietnam War ~ Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Bush Call to 'Stay the Course in Iraq' Echoes Pronouncements Made During Vietnam War
Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Scott Harris
In the face of declining public support for the war in Iraq and growing doubts about the justifcation for the invasion and occupation, President Bush addressed the nation in a televised speech on June 28 to make a case for staying the course in the conflict. Using hundreds of soldiers at Fort Bragg, N.C. as a backdrop, the president asserted that the sacrifice of U.S. lives in Iraq is worth it and is vital to the future security of our country.
Bush rejected any timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and offered no new strategies for winning the war against an insurgency that daily seems to grow in strength and sophistication. The president's only exit strategy is based on his hope that one day U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers will be able to take over for American occupation forces. The president invoked the 9/11 terrorist attacks five times in his speech to defend his decision to go to war, echoing his similar pre-invasion references to al Qaida.
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Ray McGovern, a retired 27-year veteran CIA analyst. McGovern was among a group of administration critics who testified before a June 17 unofficial congressional hearing investigating the British Downing Street memos, which many observers believe provides evidence of the dishonest White House justifcation for launching its invasion of Iraq. McGovern takes a critical look at President Bush's recent national address and his strategy for fighting the Iraq war.
Until his retirement in 1990, McGovern led one of two CIA teams conducting the most secret daily intelligence briefings at the House. His recent article, Stay the Crooked Course," can be read online at
Other articles by Ray McGovern:
Fighting to Fix Fixed,"
www.truthout.org Perspective, June 24, 2005
"Attacking Iran: I Know It Sounds Crazy, But..."TomDispatch.org March 2, 2005
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