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Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Freedom Fried

We are crossing a line and on the other side of that line there is fascism, totalitarianism, death squads, and crypto security. But in reality there is no security. It is a myth. But there are plenty of despots.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

The Ultimate Oxymoron

"Since a capitalist democracy is a democracy of capital, `the people' simply don't count.."

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/23/2005)

Say goodbye to the Bill of Rights...USA PATRIOT Act renewed and "toughened".

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Patriot Act was made Permanent. Do you feel safer now?

The Patriot Act is clearly undermining the Bill of Rights. How did this happen?

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News :: Protest Activity



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Commentary :: Animal Rights

Bull of Coria, Spanish cruel tradition

Every year a bull is darted in Coria

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:The Downing Street Memos and Valerie Plame-CIA Scandal Reveal a...

...White House Bent on Misleading Public on Rationale for Iraq War ~ Interview with John Bonifaz, constitutional attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/22/05)

Alan Greenspan has some explaining to do.

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Commentary :: Media

The land of milk of honey (bkh)

I am exhausted and thus taking the weekend off as a revolutionary columnist, but there are still a few things I wanted to get off my chest, just on the off chance that maybe Indymedia might be knocked off line before Monday so as tired as I am today I thought I would still get a few things written down

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Commentary :: Drugs

MONKEYS? Bring Them On!


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