I am exhausted and thus taking the weekend off as a revolutionary columnist, but there are still a few things I wanted to get off my chest, just on the off chance that maybe Indymedia might be knocked off line before Monday so as tired as I am today I thought I would still get a few things written down
Ghost America
In a previous posting I described my strategy for America, which was to do the Fallujah thing to America, carpet bombing the place so that America would become a ruined country just like Iraq. What I was planning to do to America was the worst possible thing I could think of when it came to completely destroying any nation - my plan was to smart bomb and napalm America's ideology, leaving America as a country without any ideology, a ghost of its former self, whispering on the world stage, a country which may as well say nothing having nothing to say having no ideology to back up whatever America might want to say. Given how America is not going to have an ideology anymore it would probably be best for Americans to cancel their reservations at hotels and pull out of international conferences, since there would not be much point in an American delegation showing up at some conference to deliver a policy, having no ideology to back up that policy, being just a ghost of its former self, whispering and mumbling on the world stage, a how shell, a country just going through the motions from now on, putting on a theatrical performance, even a theatre of the absurd, just depending on how long American's want to maintain the farcical stance of presenting positions and policies and giving speeches or even the occasional lecture to people from some other country, without having any ideology to back up what they are saying, which means that from now on, from this day forward, America will be a country speaking mumbo jumbo and nonsense, with every deed consisting of going through the motions, as Americans live a lie in a country whose ideology has been exposed as a fraud, while, I would suppose Americans just go through the motions and try to pretend that today is just another day, and America, being that one special country in the world, can somehow chug along just fine without any ideology to back up their policies or their speeches or to make sense out of that theatre of the absurd which will now continue everyday, until the inevitable happens and Americans have the Second American Revolution to get that terrible problem fixed.
Which if you stop to think about it, is perhaps ten or twenty times worse than anything America did to Iraq, since Iraq has just had its architecture, a city or two, and a crowd of its people blown to bits, while America has been completely destroyed as a nation in retaliation.
America's glorious history of struggling
What this all means is that just as the Bolivians were marched into the third world at gun point, now the American people are being marched into the Second American Revolution at gun point. No country can survive without an ideology, and no people can live a big lie, going through the motions, performing a theatre of the absurd forever, although the Americans, being some of the most cynical and worn out and tired people on earth, living under Capitalism as they have, would probably go ahead and give that empty lie thing a shot, having gotten used to the idea of doing such things as putting up with liars, and yes, even being so exhausted as a nation that they even put up with Hitlerism and having the whole world watch while they are ruled over by the most famous gangsters and war criminals of the world.
Now I am sure there are people around the world who are stunned by the behavior of the Americans given the horrific nature of the crimes being committed by their government, For example in Europe when Der Fuhrer, George W. Bush paid a visit, the people hung out signs which read ‘STOP BUSH!' This was intended as a message to the American people. The entire world will send this simple message to the American people, and then sit in stunned shock and silence watching as the American resistance movement carries on with that hollow charade of being ‘progressives' and practicing some more of that stale and inappropriate ‘protest pressure politics'. For example, if you asked an American what to do about Hitlerism and genocide and the Warsaw Ghetto thing on Fallujah, they would suggest perhaps, if they had they energy left to suggest any course of action at all, that perhaps Bush should be taken into the American court system, the same court system that installed the Fuhrer into power, where Bush could then be tried by an American capitalist judge. Anything, you know, anything, just to toss the revolution back to the status quo and the elitists so that they can take the bull by the horns and perhaps in the best American tradition, hold a show trial, save their own necks, maintain their elitism and then regroup in their lofty positions to plan their next attack. In the same way the Americans just demanded that their elitists investigate 9-11, with the end result being, as far as I could tell, that the conclusion of that bipartisan investigation was that America should commit another international war crime against Iran, this then being the official elitist version of a 9-11 investigation. That not being good enough, and these being Americans, the inventors of musical chair elitism, it would then be the most revolutionary response you could expect from the typical brain washed American, that they should file a complaint about that matter, and wait for some elitist to grab the bull by the horns and do something about that problem. Perhaps a populist demagogue might show up in America to rally the Americans to the cause and take over as the next player to sit on that musical chair.
So you can see how no other country on earth could drive an anarchist crazy like America drives an anarchist crazy, but what can a person do. They are Americans, and for them, it would seem, progressivism is like some kind of a hobby, and just as most people cannot give up their hobbies, Americans just cannot imagine a day when they will not be continuing their glorious history of struggle with some capitalist, you know, battling a capitalist over whether or not ketchup counts as a vegetable in a school lunch program, provided that they can keep the school lunch program, and if they can't, then an American would have to call up strength by remembering the glorious tradition of struggle of their ancestors, and start to fight to reclaim that school lunch program, and then pick up that ketchup fight again later once they have won another one of those victories.
Like I said, it must be a hobby with the people of that country, and so you can understand how the Americans would just drive a true revolutionary crazy, not to mention the way that they are scaring and worrying people all around the world, who will have to keep hanging signs in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, Americans might take the hint. Right now the Americans are not taking the hint, being so worn out by being progressives, that hobby of theirs just sucking the spirit right out them, that they don't have much energy left to fight Hitlerism and International Gangsterism, and thus in keeping with their low spirits and sucked energy, Americans will return to their hobby and perhaps fight over a bottle of ketchup, this an American will insist, being the only reasonable alternative, given how a nation just has to be practical and pragmatic, since everyone knows just how hard it is to deal with those capitalists. Why shoot for the moon. Tactics for an American would consist of choosing between Ketchup as a vegetable, or perhaps corn and peas, and then scaling back and trying for the ketchup first, in the hopes of progressively, some day, continuing the glorious history of their struggle, by scaling up to corn later, and then somewhere down the road, if no one is to cynical to get something started, perhaps adding peas on later, if there exists some kind of consensus that asking for peas might not be pragmatic, and thus not worth fighting for.
For this reason being a fierce revolutionary myself, this being the most pragmatic choice under the circumstances, I have decided to march Americans to revolution at gun point, the best way to do such a thing being to carpet bomb that country into the ground. Since you cannot have capitalists without having capitalism, what this means is that the revolution is already won before its begins, should anyone actually have the energy level to have a revolution, after all these exhausting years of being progressive. At the moment I would imagine that the typical American who has been brainwashed from birth to think of taking all problems to the elitists, is probably all wrapped up trying to prevent the next defeat and the next loss, perhaps losing that ketchup again or something like that, and so even when you give an American a revolution that has been won before it starts, it turns out that Americans are so exhausted by being protest pressure groups and progressives, that even that easy a revolution would take more energy than what they have left over after practicing that hobby of theirs.
All this could be quite alarming for the whole world, especially when you consider that America still has one ideology left over, Hitlerism, and given how Hitlerism is the choice of the day for capitalists, and capitalists are the boss, as every American knows, I guess we will see the Americans angrily comply, and transform themselves into one of those Hitler states, unless they want to perhaps take that to court or complain to some elite about it, and then wait for their elitists to do something for them, other than help that capitalist start up Hitlerism before the Great Depression hits full storm.
For this reason, I have decided that if the revolution is not to be thrown once again to Hitlerism, some strategies would have to be developed that would take into consideration the fact that Hitlerism is the child of capitalism, which would mean that the revolutionaries would unfortunately be people who lived under capitalism thus being totally exhausted and cynical with their souls and spirits crushed, while their brains were addled and no one could think straight, while they fought among themselves trying to settle their confusions. Not the ideal revolutionary situation, the sort of circumstances that are only ideal for the victory of Hiterism.
Therefore it is important to have a strategy, then a backup strategy, and then a backup strategy for the backup strategy. So we have a potentially revolutionary tool, the Indymedia system, but it is like the weak link in the chain, even under the ideal circumstances, and so what we require is a backup independent system that blankets the country, and thus my strategy was to win over churches. Just in case churches fell down on the job, and perhaps tried that same strategy of building a bridge to Hitler, or perhaps that one about putting aside their differences with Hitler, and focusing on what they both shared in common, or maybe that one about getting friendly with Hitler thus teaching Hitler that they were human beings and getting that Hitler to start liking them more, and various other ideologies that gullible and trusting churches insist on working on, to my hysterical worry, I thought that given this sort of thing I had better dream up a back up plan for my back up plan, given how I do not intend to lose the revolution. Now I know that I am real popular with a lot of the little kiddies, and I also know that there are shut ins who have the revolutionary spirit but cannot leave home. I also know that there are isolated revolutionaries, lonely and isolated from revolution, and every time they go out to get revolution, they wind up being ruined by some progressives, or even worse someone from the Democratic party might show up or just as bad, a union leader. Well you can see how isolated and lonely all those revolutionaries are, and so for the kiddies, the shut ins, and the isolated revolutionary I came up with the script kiddy strategy of using the internet the spread the revolution by using the shock attack strategy to deprogram John and Jane Doe and destrroy the big lie, you know, just in case those churches were spreading sunshine all over the place, and just in case Indymedia fell flat on their face, well no matter how bad things could get, I couldn't lose, having backups to backups to backups.
For you see the best strategy when having a revolution is to make sure that revolution is won before it even starts, taking the offensive, and maintain a constant sustained offensive until it is over and never retreating or surrendering even so much as one inch of ground, keeping those capitalists on the defensive at all times, and leaving them with the task of doing the impossible, which by definition cannot be done.
Now there are two reactions we can expect when someone has lost the revolution already, and only has the choice of doing the impossible, and that is to do nothing at all and just surrender, or perhaps they can do something really stupid instead. In short then, if anyone is wondering what a capitalist might be up to, well a capitalist will now be cooking up some stupid failed plot, and the really big strategy for a capitalist at the moment would be the time buying strategy, to give that capitalist more time to work on a really stupid plot, and this requires at the very least slowing down the revolutionary process, even if it is impossible to stop the revolution altogether. Of course, you cannot convince a capitalist that the revolution is impossible to stop, since they have that ace in the hole, Hitlerism, as well as Treblinka and Auschwitz and the big boot of oppression, so they might be thinking there is still some hope left.
Hitlerism would be for the future, after Americans get nailed by more terrorists, and things being what they are, the war on terrorism being fought so successfully on other than the military front, which makes sense, since the military causes terrorism, not many terrorists have showed up on cue, leaving that capitalist to pay someone a big pile of money to be a terrorist, since you cannot have Hitlerism without terrorism and a war against terrorists, the one leading right to the other.
However Hitlerism would be the long term strategy of the capitalist, and the short term strategy would be to slow things down, buy some time, and that would require looking for a weak link in the chain. Now beating a church granny would not help, since this would provide the wrong context in which fascist ideology could thrive and grow. Therefore the capitalist would have to scale back and target that other weak link in the chain, that other source of revolution in the land, the Indymedia system, which like America as a whole is being forced at gun point to be revolutionary whether they like it or not, unless they decide to dump me into one of those indymedia trash cans, thus being progressive once again and not pissing off a capitalist.
Yes, Indymedia is the weak link in the chain, and what makes taking down the Indy system so appealing to a capitalist right now, is that it can be done without waking up the sleeping giant. You see the way this works is that you tell the sleeping giant that this is not an attack on free speech, but rather the Indymedia system is hosting ‘indirect terrorism'. Joe Goebbels could then remind the American people that these are the same terrible terrorist types who destroyed Seattle, and once the sleeping giant realizes that the target is just those monstrous people once again, well they will go back to sleep and not worry to much about the fact the Indymedia system was knocked off line by the capitalist. The capitalist could target the shut ins, and the isolated revolutionaries, and the script kiddies, by shutting down the internet altogether, blaming the whole thing on terrorists, but this would wake up the sleeping giant, and thus at least I can count on this one backup strategy working for that very reason (which explains why a revolutionary should never put all their eggs into one basket)..
So then, given that capitalists just never give up and run up the white flag, one would expect Congress to unite in a bipartisan effort to take down Indymedia by rushing through some indirect terrorism law, you know, because of the London bombing, or perhaps some Americans could be blown up on the New York subway and then they could lose enough of their civil rights to at the very least shut down Indymedia without waking up the sleeping giant.
Now given how the Indymedia system has just rolled over like poodle and shown its soft under belly you might say, well that is not an offensive strategy, it is a retreat, which is an invitation to an attack. What would then follow is first the shutting down of Indymedia, on the charge of indirect terrorism, as well as a charge of direct terrorism, since you never know how many anarchists they might have on line. Next, the time buying strategy continues by sending over some Nazis from Homeland security who will then begin to quibble with Indymedia over every single one of their tens of thousands of articles, looking for direct or even indirect terrorism, a process that could take months, and wouldn't even be worth participating in, since Indymedia will understand that it is all just bullshit intended to keep them busy sorting articles for months, or maybe years, depending on how many articles there are to examine for that sort of thing.
Well this being America, I would suppose that it would have to the case that Indymedia goes to court, while the Homeland department tries to change the venue, so as to get that one special judge they know about, who will then grant them a stay for perhaps three to six months, thus slowing things down a lot, followed by an appeal by Indymedia, which will take months, and then a counter appeal, until finally if Homeland is lucky and some judge understands what it is at stake, the whole thing can be squashed in some higher court, and Indymedia can go back to arguing with some hair splitting Nazi over whether such and such an article has ‘indirect terrorism'.
Well it is not a very appealing scenario I will agree, but I am not overly worried, having so many backup plans I do not require Indymedia, although not having Indymedia around would slow down the revolution, which would explain why Indymedia was knocked out of the game, there not being very many other stalling strategies for a capitalist that I can see in this situation, and with Indymedia rolled over like a poodle and showing its tender tummy to that stalker, well that just increases the odds of an attack, making this the most likely thing to happen next.
My solution to this problem would be to first, be proactive, and talk about it, thus maybe putting a stop to that plot, or at the very least slowing down that plot while people have second thoughts about it, but things being what they are, that capitalist will have to do stupid things, having no good ideas left, and so I expect to be kissing Indymedia goodbye at some point along the revolutionary trail, this being only a matter of time. Indymedia does not have those advantages my backup plans have and thus is a wide open target.
My second solution is to then to do nothing and allow Indymedia to be forged like steel in the fires into a revolutionary instrument by either being forced to become revolutionary, or they could stop their hobby and just pack it in and go home, now that Hiterism has told them to pack up and shut up, depending on which Indymedia site we are talking about here.
I am exhausted and want to take the next few days off, maybe pick up again on Monday if Indymedia is still on line on Monday, and so I don't have a backup plan for that one, but I bring the matter to your attention so that Indymedia can begin the process of being forged in the fires ahead of time, by seeing if someone can come up with a revolutionary strategy for this problem...
The land of milk and honey - a fable
There is just one last thing I would like to clear up, just on the off chance that Indymedia gets taken down this weekend, and thus I won't be able to pick up where I left on on Monday. As you would know, the Bible is contradictory. For example, Jeremiah said, ‘Burn your whole offerings and eat the flesh youfselves, for on the day that I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I gave them no instructions or commands concerning whole offerings and sacrifice...How can you say, ‘we are wise for we have the Torah (the law of God) when actually the lying pen of the scribes has made into a lie." So therefore, books like Leviticus are forgeries, thus making the Bible really contradictory. Hosea wrote, ‘I am going to punish the dynasty of Jehu for the massacre in the valley of Jezreel, and bring the kingdom of Israel to an end." Thus Hosea trashed the book of Kings, where this war mongering and slaughtering is celebrated, even receiving praise from God who shows up to lavish praise on everyone for getting that massacre done (thus saith the Lord). And Hosea also trashed the massacre of the tribe of Benjamin described in the book of Judges, something I have already analyzed in my bible commentary, and to complex to go into here, this time the target being priests who told people to do that slaugher with the reason being that the tribe of Benjamin you see, were a bunch of Homos just like Sodom and Gomorrah, which would explain the remarkable almost word for word copying that took place between those two stories.
So then the Bible is contradictory, and the problem apparently can be traced back to scribes and priests. Apparently what happened was that someone went into the garden, dropped their pants, and then took a shit in the middle of the flower patch in the garden, leaving humanity to deal with hauling around a pile of shit for a few thousand years.
This pile of shit, stinking as it does, then causes no end of problem for Bees, who might be visiting that garden looking for flowers, and then, to their shock, finding a pile of shit lying around. These are Busy Bees, and that pile of shit really keeps those Bees busy asking hundreds, maybe event thousands of questions about all those piles of shit scattered in the garden, and this then explains the invention of that job known as ‘Christian apologist.' Yes those Busy Bees are always showing up with questions concerning those piles of shit, and the job of the apologist is to explain to Bees that it is perfectly normal for someone to shit in the garden, and that shit by any other name is still a rose, and thus a suitable food source for Busy Bees, since shit still smells like a rose no matter what name you might want to attach to a pile of shit.
Well having consulted a Biblical apologist about that pile of shit, that Busy Bee might have gotten some mumbo jumbo answer which compares a pile of shit to a rose, and perhaps if that Busy Bee became confused enough by that answer, it might suffice to take the matter off the mind of the Busy Bee for a little while. But, as I have noticed over the years, those Busy Bees are always really Busy, coming back with more and more questions about all those other piles of shit that keep being discovered in the garden, thus meaning that a Christian Apologist must produce encyclopedic volumes in order to keep up with all those volumes of questions concerning all those volumes of shit that keep being discovered in the garden.
The solution I thought could be given without writing up volumes, but rather maybe just one fable, in a few short paragraphs, which should solve the issue once and for all, and thus keep those Bees satisfied until the end of time, instead of restless and worried about those piles of shit like they are right now. You see, its like this. A pile of shit is not for a Busy Bee. Bees visit flowers, and that is why when a Bee finds a pile of shit, they ask questions. A pile of shit is for a fly, who might want to lay an egg, grow a maggot, making another fly, who lay another egg and so keep that process of growing flies going forever and ever, since flies feed on piles of shit, not Busy Bees.
Hopefully this simple explanation will help to clear matters up once and for all, so that over time everything can just sort itself out the natural way, so that when its over, only flies will be found crawling all over piles of shit, which is natural for them, while Bees visit flowers and just don't bother with those piles of shit, which would be more natural for them as well.
So then what I propose as the ultimate solution for those Busy Bees is that the next time some fly shows up and tries to get you to eat shit, which is food for flies and not for Bees, you should just answer that fly in the following way. Just say, ‘look, I know that you flies are real evangelical about eating shit, but maybe you should just take that gospel of yours and preach it to a fly. I am a Bee. I make honey and drink nectar from flowers, and only flies eat shit. Its just a natural law.'
Well having straightened out those flies once and for all, you could then go back to being a Busy Bee, storing up honey, visiting flowers and drinking nectar, in a land of milk and honey, while just ignoring those piles of shit, as all Bees should.
Don't worry, be happy (extended play version)
It has occurred to me that the song ‘Don't worry, be happy' doesn't have very many lyrics, and so, feeling inspired, I decided that once again it is better to do something about a problem than to just wait for someone else to expand that song, and then complain if they don't get that done. This being my philosophy of life, I bring you more lyrics to that little ditty....
People all around the world are wearing a frown,
Wondering if the Americans will have a revolution and bring Bush down,
But don't worry, be happy.
Because the revolution has begun against Bush and his Elite Have Mores,
And as you can see their backsides are really sore,
So don't worry, be happy,
For just when I think I have plumbed rock bottom of the cruelty of those ruthless pricks
I find that I still don't have a long enough stick,
So don't worry, be happy.
Even progressive writers can turn out revolutionary all of the time,
They just need to pick any issue and then think of earning a dime,
So don't worry, be happy.
For those progressive writers won't be just progressive no more,
For if they do that their readers will make their backsides sore,
So don't worry, be happy.
Tra la la la la la la la la la la
Don't worry, be happy
The war on terrorism has been won, and that's for sure
Now people won't be looking for King George no more
So don't worry, be happy.
Great Depression coming, to bring us good cheer,
And there just won't be time to bring in Hitlerism here,
So don't worry, be happy.
Yes the cause is lost and the damage is done,
For Karl Marx showed up to have his fun
so don't worry, be happy
For even if Hitler should come out,
The whole thing would just rot from the inside out
So don't worry, be happy
From this day forward its just a matter of time
Before they get put on trial for their war crimes
don't worry, be happy
For the whole third world is like Iraq, its all the very same crime
And by the time the paying for its over they won't be left with a dime
So don't worry, they'll be flat broke,
So don't worry, be happy
So Don't worry, be happy
No more need to worry, be happy
imperialism's over, be happy
Colonialism's dead, be happy
Don't worry, be happy
Hackers - a question in revolutionary theory
Just to get the ball rolling here, hackers, as you know, are enti-establishment types, and would therefore like me, unless they turned out to be Nazi hackers, in which case Melbourne and New York Indy sites were still be targeted by the Nazis, although I would strongly suspect that it was Homeland Security or maybe that capitlist corporate CIA outfit Strattfor, since the CIA has to much oversight to risk being caught doing all that dirty shit these days...
By the way it seems to me that Melbourne after doing the poodle thing, and blaming hackers, who would not attack something like that, instead of blaming politcally motivated Nazis, who would, Melbourne it would seem has just been attacked once again, which is what you would expect, as I was saying...
Bolivia Indymedia
I posted this article on Bolivia indymedia and got back the comment 'I hope so'
so you can see how the third world imperialist colonies might have a whole different point of view about the American revolution than American progressives or elitist pressure types...we all hope so...the famine victims hope so...the forests hope so...the coral reefs hope so...as does everything that creeps and crawls on the face on this misery filled suffering planet...