Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Commentary :: Globalization : International Relations : Media : Middle East : War in Iraq

Comment on "London Calling Again"

A Baltimore IMC Editorial Collective member's critical commentary on the Baltimore IMC feature article "London Calling Again," by Jeffrey Ian Ross.

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Commentary :: Activism : Economy : Globalization : Latin America

CAFTA: Say No Now

cafta.jpgJuly 25, 2005: The US Senate has approved CAFTA and the US House of Representatives is poised to vote soon. Raise your voice now in opposition.

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Commentary :: Economy

Myths of the Economy

"Redistribution to poorer groups can increase growth.. The public debate about the economy and economic policy is dominated by the practical necessity logic. Desires, interests and goals of social groups play no role in the discussion of economic reforms.."

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/25/05)

How Internet freedom got the Federal ax.

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LOCAL News :: Poverty

Bringing Technology To The Poor

Poor People Need Technology Too...

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LOCAL News :: Right Wing

43 Dems Voted For Pat Act - Did You Elect These SOBs

Please let them know how you feel!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Tortured By The FBI

The fbi's abandonment of respect for constitutional rights -- A True Account Of Precedent Setting Constitutional and Human Right's Violations By The Federal Bureau Of Investigation

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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Magic Bomb

This is the Faulking truth.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Rep. Barbara Lee Introduces Bill That Would Prohibit...

...Permanent U.S. Military Bases in Iraq ~ Interview with Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:U.N. Troops Accused of July 6th Massacre in Haiti's Cite Soleil

Interview with Kim Ives, editor of Haiti Progres, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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