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Commentary :: Activism

The HIGH COURT congratulates Arnold Schwarzenegger

Well done Arnold

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News :: Drugs : International Relations : Military

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House

"I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch," Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. "She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!"

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News :: Elections & Legislation

jesus is satan

...other than the Israel Defense Forces, America's Christian Zionists may be the Jewish state's ultimate strategic asset.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Opponents of Prison Industrial Complex Rally for Policy Change in...

...Nation's Capital ~ Interview with Barbara Fair, of People Against Injustice, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

The Wavering State

"How can the state finance itself in times of worldwide competition without damaging the national economy? How can it find the old strength without creating new poverty?.. There is no system-conforming way out of this vicious circle.."

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/25/05)

Britain ready to act on "extremism law".

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News :: Activism

This system can not have a good ending…

A North American citizen say to an other: Do you know that Al Qaeda has kidnapped President Bush? – “Noo, really!?”-- “Yes man, and they say if we don’t pay the ransom, they are going to shower him with petrol and light him on fire, and everybody is going to be able to see it on television…!” -- “and how much is the ransom?” – “they want we pay, at least, they same amount of dollars than the Iraq’s war military budget of this year.” – “This is going to be difficult…” – “ No , on the other way around, it’s really easy. And looks like its going to be arranged soon, because the collecting campaign have already start and everybody is really into it” – “oh, yaw? And how much is the average amount they give” – “ ouch… it depends… you know… it depends on the economical possibilities of each one… and … the petrol stock in the service stations… there’s people who donate one litre there’s other people who gives ten!!!!” -- “We are going to burn Bush!” ( This is a joke that a listen in a bar on the West side of Philadelphia, near by Drexel University.)

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Impressions from New York and Philadelphia

When we arrive to New York there was military police, in camouflage uniforms, with machine guns, (sometimes even two of them). I saw them in the first metro station, Jamaica Centre, really near by from Kennedy Airport. There, in the platform, they even have an air-conditioned mini office to combine the garding shifts…

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News :: Globalization

The Franklin Cover-Up Again


Noreen Gosch Speaks
About - Jeff Gannon,
Johnny Gosch And
The Attempted Theft Of
Her Book 'Why Johnny
Can't Come Home'
By Charlene Fassa

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News :: [none]


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