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Commentary :: Activism

The HIGH COURT congratulates Arnold Schwarzenegger

Well done Arnold

The HIGH COURT congratulates Arnold Schwarzenegger for creating problems for the agents of the Devil, that is, The Rolling Stones.
And he also got insulted by homosexual Mick Jagger, the assassin of Brian Jones!!

Austrian born Arnold Schwarzenegger has been another victim of A LENGHTY RACIST PLOT by the Antichrists, same as Bruce Lee.
His "mates" Frank Zane and Dave Draper used to backstab him because of jealousy due to the fact that Arnold was the favorite at the Mr. Universe and Mr. Olimpia. The jealousy of the World Gym....

Also, when Arnold started on the film industry, a bunch of RACIST GARBAGES said that Arnold was a bird's brain who couldn't do a proper starring role. Nevertheless, his proficient performance on his films made the JEALOUS RACIST GARBAGES bite the dust!!! These same GARBAGES made big efforts so that the role in "Kung Fu", which originally was for Bruce Lee, was taken away from Bruce and given to amateur Carradine.

When Arnold became Governor of California he had to withstand the aggression of a bunch of JEALOUS RACIST ANTICHRISTS in Los Angeles who used to insult him with all kind of slanders you can think of. California is the area of the States with the biggest amount of ANTICHRISTS, full of vanity, egoism, racism and hatred. Due to this fact the area is CURSED BY GOD with the hugest fault on Earth (The San Andreas fault), which has been building up tectonic pressure without a full release for a long time. This will lead to a huge earthquake, the hugest ever, and according to the solar winds and incremented solar activity the building of pressure will have a titanic release soon, destroying most of Los Angeles and San Francisco. The earthquake of 1906 will be a piece of cake compared to the oncoming one...

This is a call to Arnold Schwarzenegger to fill the 910 Km. gap with megatons of crazy glue to save the decent people in California (even if the ANTICHRISTS will also be saved), before the Olimpus releases it's fury....

The proper way of doing it is building a low bridge (as low as possible to lower the cutting and bending momentums to a minimum) every 20-30 meters all along the 910 Kms of the gap. They must be made of precompressed concrete pilotaging into the ground for at least 6 meters. The pilotage must not be vertical, but at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees (45 degrees is best to lower the momentums, specially on this strike-slip type of earthquake pulls). The pilotage must be made at least 5 meters away from the gap to avoid ground crumbling. Use 3600 kg/cm2 sigma steel or higher for the precompressed concrete and something stronger than Portland cement (something better than 45 kgs/cm2 sigma).

It will be a huge job with thousands of workers on it. IT MUST URGENTLY BE DONE. NO TIME TO WASTE!!! Come on, Arnold. Do it and save California. Beautiful children and elderly people deserve it!!!
If you don't want to do it then you MUST evacuate Los Angeles and San Francisco IMMEDIATELY!!!...

That's all.
The Apocalyptic HIGH COURT.

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