Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/7/05)

FEMA turned away aid, rescue crews, cut emergency communication lines say witnesses.

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News :: Activism

Evidence that FEMA people murdered real people in New Orleans

Evidence that FEMA people murdered real people in New Orleans

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Commentary :: Labor

More Time for Life, Laughter and Love

"Fewer and fewer persons produce more and more goods in an ever-shorter time through increasingly efficient technology, better training and growing labor intensity..Whoever relies only on growth to overcome mass unemployment comes to an ideological cul-de-sac."

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/6/05)

Gulf Coast poisoned?

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Commentary :: Activism

disgusted by this

nessie comments today

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News :: Environment

Wanted For Mass Murder: The Bush Regime

printable wanted poster

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Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Middle East : War in Iraq

Phantoms of Lost Liberty: The U.S. Constitution in Crisis

Phantoms of Lost Liberty: The U.S. Conference in Crisis.

A Conference and Discussion on the U.S. Constitution in the War on Terror

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Announcement :: Globalization

Activism 101


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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/5/05)

Police shoot eight on a New Orleans bridge.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Evils of racism and nature

Honorable members of this tribunal,

Good morning. Peoples of America’s Gulf region are facing two evils this morning. One from racism and other from nature! Me too, confronting harsh and unjust reality in this morning. An oppressive working condition, which denied me the opportunity to function like a normal human being. As a result despite my best efforts I am a bit late for this hearing.

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