Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Evils of racism and nature

Honorable members of this tribunal,

Good morning. Peoples of America’s Gulf region are facing two evils this morning. One from racism and other from nature! Me too, confronting harsh and unjust reality in this morning. An oppressive working condition, which denied me the opportunity to function like a normal human being. As a result despite my best efforts I am a bit late for this hearing.
Mr. F Ahmed’s opening speech at the A D Tribunal

Mr. Faruque Ahmed’s opening speech at the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.

Honorable members of this tribunal,

Good morning. Peoples of America’s Gulf region are facing two evils this morning. One from racism and other from nature! Me too, confronting harsh and unjust reality in this morning. An oppressive working condition, which denied me the opportunity to function like a normal human being. As a result despite my best efforts I am a bit late for this hearing.

From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Mon Sep 5, 2005 2:39 am
Subject: Bush's God Hates Blacks

Shortly after a flood, cyclone, hurricane or any other natural or
other wise disaster - the army, air force, navy etc. etc. conducts
search and rescue operations beside usual relief efforts like
dropping food, water and medicine. Whereas victims of Hurricane
Katrina were not so lucky due to the cardinal sin i.e. being Black!

Instead, we found plenty of images of disgusting "Blacks" looting and
raping (may be something wrong with their genes). This happened
despite the fact that the whole world was watching at Hurricane
Katrina and her victims. Arrogant and conspiratorial American
officials even did not allow other country's diplomatic staffs to
enter into the area and rescue their own people. May I ask, why? Is
it because they are hiding something? Where are the civil rights,
human rights and simple right to live like a human being of these
American citizens?

With disgust

Faruque Ahmed
Free America Now!

From: "cyndie"
Date: Sat Sep 3, 2005 12:02 am
Subject: Re: Ugly And Racist Face Of America

That is exactly why!

It's a total disgrace!

From: "taxirevolution"
Date: Fri Sep 2, 2005 10:24 pm
Subject: Ugly And Racist Face Of America

Further to message numbers 24279, 24281,
24326, 24327, 24328, 24329 below etc. etc. Hyper powered super power
America's Gulf Coast provided one third of it's oil wealth.
Yet, not enough wealth went back to those communities welfare or even
to protect their nature or environment. To make it worse, greedy
developers' five star resorts and expensive golf courses sprung up
along neighborhoods that never had running water or sanitation all
together in the 21st century.

The survivors of Katrina failed to receive a bag of food or water
from the zionised corporate government of America! They went on
without any food or water for FIVE days. Yet, Terrorist leader George
Bush was crying for a few missing oil platforms and he issued ZERO
TOLERANCE to looters!!

Why is it so, may I ask? Is it because most of the inhabitants of
those regions are predominantly Black and poor Whites?

More info:
President attacked over 'bias on race',5744,16490646^2703,00.html or

Earth to the President: warnings ignored at your peril

Editorial: Sanity Submerged,5744,16490384^7583,00.html or

Hurricane cops quit in droves, 2 suicide

An open letter to the little boy in the red shirt

For a week's worth of elite looting a city dies

The real looters

Bush Cut Hurricane, Flood Protection Funding to New Orleans

US troops given 'shoot to kill' orders in New Orleans

Mayor condemns Hurricane Katrina

Restrictions hampering consular officials' relief efforts, says Downer
officials-says-downer/2005/09/04/1125772411706.html or

Morale slumps as stress takes toll on police

Refugees flee at last, only to wander the South
south/2005/09/04/1125772412620.html or

Help from others, except America,10117,16488142-2,00.html

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