News :: Elections & Legislation
Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Question Whitman’s Ties to Goldman Sachs
23 Apr 2010
Richard Perry
Alexander says Californians need to pause and examine Meg Whitman’s business dealing with Goldman Sachs considering the alleged fraud by Goldman Sachs occurred on Whitman’s watch with the investment bank; “Only Washington has the resources to launch an immediate investigation during the final months before the November Election.”
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Interview :: Poverty
This is not a social state any more
23 Apr 2010
Christoph Butterwegge
Building community centers (as in Vancouver BC), redistributing income and assets from top to bottom, expanding the public non-profit sector, reducing working hours and accepting housing, education and health care as rights not privileges would be important steps to a bright future.
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Imprisoning Palestinian Women
22 Apr 2010
Stephen Lendman
Israel treats Palestinian men, women and children the same way
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Honor and truth
right to free expression and freedom of speech
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Sarah Palin Versus A Dumb Blonde Standard
21 Apr 2010
Andy Amigo
Too bad Sarah Palin is not blonde. Fore if she were bleached, whenever she said anything remotely stupid or vapid, or her words could be twisted as such, she would be called on it. But more importantly some “male” dumbos of the Tea Party coalition, that is those who have sprung to pay her fees to speak at their conventions, too could eventually get it. They too, some of them that is, would finally see beyond her “charm,” and look for someone more than a playboy bunny to inspire their political consciousness.
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Imprisoning A Courageous Whistleblower: The Case of Bradley Birkenfeld
21 Apr 2010
Stephen Lendman
Targeting anyone challenging power
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Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics?
20 Apr 2010
Mike Mitch
Verily, if the origin of the word ‘holocaust’ meant ‘whole’ + ‘burning’ then surely the history of the persecution and killing of pagans and various heretical sects would qualify to this nomenclature? After all, how many supposed witches, were tortured and/or burned over the centuries? How many believers in the ‘wrong’ religions or denominations, according to those fanatics who thought themselves within ‘thee’ singularly right religion, were persecuted and murdered? We don’t know any kind of exact number but it is a frightening reality to behold nevertheless.
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Goldman Sachs: Master of the Universe
20 Apr 2010
Stephen Lendman
Don't bet against Goldman
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Human Rights Before Trade Rules
20 Apr 2010
Bread for the World shows that a fundamentally different trade- and economic policy oriented in human rights is possible and very necessary. Many rich countries subsidize their farmers so their foodstuffs can be produced before the real costs and sold cheaply on the world market.
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