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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Systemic Injustice Against Two Longtime Political Prisoners

40 years in prison hell though innocent

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News :: Activism

hampshire Divestment Transcript

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

The Woodrow Wilson Center desecrates its namesake’s legacy and violates its congressional mandate

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th American president, is looking down in horror at what the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is doing in his name.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

The Angola Three: 38 Years in Prison Hell

focusing on America's gulag

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News :: Europe


The tree is the economic measures, the forest is the constitutional rights. For the forest people went on the streets in December 2008, now they are out for the tree

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Class : Labor : Poverty

The Santa Cruz May Day Riot

With the expanding crisis of capitalism and its growing unemployment, murderous wars of aggression, funding funneled to the repressive state apparatus and war instead of needed social programs, and the ever growing destruction of the planet through global warming; there will likely be more actions like the May Day riot. Likewise, the involvement of the local petty bourgeoisie through organizations like the Downtown Association and the City Council in promoting repression against the poor, opposition to a higher minimum wage, opposition to rent control, support for political oppression, and support for brutal cops will likely keep big and small businesses targets of this type of rebellion. Rather than supporting ratcheting up the repression, the petty bourgeoisie would do well in reconsidering what side they have been taking in the class war.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons

Israel violates laws it's sworn to uphold

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Commentary :: Activism

Ley de Arizona

nos discriminan

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News :: Protest Activity

Level of police brutality in Greece, hours after a labor protest

Hours after a huge labor protest had taken place in downtown Athens police started raiding an area known for being a cultural center of the left

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag?

Another suspicious false flag possibility

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