Review :: Culture : Europe : History
Aaaaaaaaaaaw, those Serbians
02 Feb 2006
iliya pavlovich phd
In view of today's conflicts in Kosovo, where Albanian (drug trafficking and prostitution, white slavery funded operations) violence against a Serbian minority is in danger of being extinct, we make more fuss about the endangered whales, seals, flowers and minerals, and much less about a rarely valuable contributor to our own humanity.
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/1/06)
NORTHCOM prepares for possible bird flu pandemic.
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Culture : Media : U.S. Government
The State of the Union Message and American Decadence
I didn't watch the "State of the Union" message because this administration's policies are clear and there is zero new to hear. Despite the mainstream media's blitzkrieg of nonsense, the question re-appears: What to do about it?
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Defend Free Speech On The 'Net!
Help defend free speech & the democratization of ideas by questioning the motives of the LA Indymedia editorial collective!
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD
Anti-Capitalist Folk Show/Book Fair Benefit at Red Emmas!
Come for a night of music and help make the Mid-Atlantic Radcial Bookfair happen...
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/31/06)
Anti-abortion legislators on the move in five states.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Media
Hey Baltimore IMC--Join forces with DC IMC at NCOR
31 Jan 2006
Friendly Neighbor in DC
Planning meeting on Wednesday, February 1st in Washington DC on Georgia Avenue:
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