Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Media

Hey Baltimore IMC--Join forces with DC IMC at NCOR

Planning meeting on Wednesday, February 1st in Washington DC on Georgia Avenue:
Please join us to plan an indymedia presence during
the National Conference on Organized Resistance

We will be meeting at 7:30pm this Wednesday (Feb. 1)
at Al Fishawy cafe (4132 Georgia Avenue NW, between
Upshur and Taylor, Washington DC, 3 locks North of the
Petworth metro station on the green line, on the
#70/71/64 bus lines, 202-722-0150.)

NCOR is this weeekend (Feb.3-5). We are planning to
table and maybe set up computers, depending on what
folks want to do. We need people to help do shifts
during NCOR. If you have any other ideas, please email
them or bring them to the meeting.

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