Announcement :: Miscellaneous
Urgent Appeal for Auburn, CA Arrestee
Fundraising appeal for Auburn arrestee, Zachary Jenson
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Alternative Social Forum in Caracas: voices from the left
06 Feb 2006
Alternative Social Forum
* In Caracas, Venezuela between the 23rd and 29th of January 2006, 10 local socio-political organizations offered an alternative forum and critique of national politics in response to the World Social Forum. The result was a smaller-scale event but self-directed and reflective of current self-organizing capacity. The alternative forum was independent, self-managed and borne out of years of experience of organizing in the Venezuelan context.
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WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? The Bush-Cole Bomber Connection
06 Feb 2006
Cheryl Seal
If you read a description of the escape of the Al Qaeda crew that bombed the USS Cole back in 2000, it is hard not to conclude that the "escape" was an inside job. These guys, held in a top security prison, had help, for sure, both in the prison and outside. But who? Who had the motive and the means? Who actually NEEDS a terrorist threat right now more than anyone else?
Does the name G.W. Bush come to mind?
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BTL:Anti-War Activist Nun Convicted of Disobedience Recounts her Prison Experience
06 Feb 2006
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
Interview with Ardeth Platte, Dominican sister and peace activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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Limiting Corporate Power on Hampden's Avenue
06 Feb 2006
Jim Geoerge

This article references a proposal to limit large corporate franchise chains in Hampden. The article references a Jan 3, 2006 article, provides, a letter opposing the proposal, and a letter in favor of the proposal on grounds that we need to limit excessive corporate power.
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Examine facts of 911 or allow death of America
Americans examine the true facts of 911 or America is finished.The true facts point to a false flag operation, that is weaking American liberties and might
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Announcement :: Animal Rights : Environment
Gortons and Whaling
05 Feb 2006
Greenpeace, along with Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and the Humane Society, revealed the link between the whaling in the Southern Ocean and Gortons. We revealed that the Japanese parent company that wholly owns Gortons, Nippon Suissan, also partly owns the whaling fleet whose boats depart every year to hunt whales in Antarctica.
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Has anyone seen Smedley Butler?
Well, sadly, Smedley is not around anymore but today we desperately need someone like him to help us stop the complete destruction of our freedoms by the industrialists and secret societies that have taken over this country.
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