Americans examine the true facts of 911 or America is finished.The true facts point to a false flag operation, that is weaking American liberties and might Illuminati=Evil= Live for them, Die for them
The Illuminiati are made up of the world's richest families, top Zionists and top Jesuits. This ruling elite is controlling the U.S. government and most of the World's governments. It does control the U.N. and is behind the push for world government, actually a Totalitarian dictatorship.
It has no room for individual civil liberties, and is purposely destroying the United States of America, because of its Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
It created Zionism and Communism,and gave support to Fascism. It thrives on wars, by financing both sides of the conflicts, and has plans for America's destruction, necessary for World Control.
911 was a false flag attack used to start wars between Muslims and Protestant America inoder to deplete our manpower, scattering the strongest in the Middle East, and deplete our resources. That will leave Homeland America vulnerable to the final blow.
If Americans refuse to examine the true facts of 911, they are allowing America's demise.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------;_ylt=AlbBV8S2ssh5yDFby.tyVYgUewgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b3JuZGZhBHNlYwM3MjE-Pentagon report singles out China as potential military rival
Fri Feb 3, 11:08 PM ET
A major review of US military strategy singled out China as the country with the greatest potential to challenge the United States militarily.
The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) rated Russia as a "country in transition" that is unlikely to pose a military threat on the scale of the Soviet Union, and said India is emerging as "a great power and a key strategic partner."
The review, which is conducted every four years, said a key goal for the US military in the coming years will be to "shape the choices of countries at a strategic crossroads."
The QDR report noted China's steady but secretive military buildup since 1996.
"Of the major and emerging powers, China has the greatest potential to compete militarily with the United States and field disruptive military technologies that over time offset traditional US military advantages absent US counter strategies," the report said.
The pace and scope of China's military buildup already puts regional military balances at risk, it said.
It listed an array of high end military capabilities that China is investing in.
They include electronic and cyberwarfare, counter-space operations, ballistic and cruise missiles, advanced integrated air defense systems, next generation torpedoes, advanced submarines, land and sea-base strategic nuclear missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles.
"These capabilities, the vast distances of the Asian theater, China's continental depth, and the challenge of en route and in-theater US basing place a premium on forces capable of sustained operations at great distances into denied area," the report said.
It said US policy aims at encouraging China to choose a path of peaceful economic growth and political liberalization, rather than military threat or intimidation.
But, it said, "The outside world has little knowledge of Chinese motivations and decision-making or of key capabilities supporting its military modernization."
"The United States encourages China to take actions to make its intentions clear and clarify its military plans."
Ryan Henry, principal deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, said the United States wanted to be a partner in China's peaceful rise, but have the means to dissuade it from taking an adversarial path.
"We think China should have a military capability sufficient to meet its genuine security needs," he told reporters. He indicated those should be regional in scope.
The report also flags US worries about Russia, citing the erosion of democracy there and restrictions on non-governmental organizations and press freedoms.
"Internationally, the United States welcomes Russia as a constructive partner but views with increasing concern its sales of disruptive weapons technologies abroad and actions that compromise the political and economic independence and territorial integrity of other states," it said.
In the case of India, the report foresaw "continued and increased strategic cooperation."
China won't support sanctions against Iran:,00050001.htm
Chinese FM maps out blueprint for EU-China ties:
Speaking of China
Who The Bush's have done a great deal to open trade with
what do you think of this:
Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of "cleaning up" America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.
We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack [on the United States, the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States
........................................................It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world
It is interesting to think that Staunch supporters of Bush now are calling
Bush an appeaser on China
U.S. caves to China, again
Posted: February 3, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006
I'm ashamed of my country today.
In 1776, the United States of America was formed in the name of independence. Our forefathers fought a gallant and war in the name of independence. They risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor in the name of independence.
But this week, the United States told the people of Taiwan, once again, to forget about independence.
Don't even talk about it, the State Department warned. You might enflame the passions of the totalitarians in Beijing who want to crush your free island nation and subjugate you as one more miserable province in their fascist nightmare-land of forced abortion, controlled speech, dictatorial rule and crushed dissent.
Taiwan's duly elected president, Chen Shui-bian, has suggested drafting a new constitution emphasizing the nation's independence and said he believes the country deserves a seat in the United Nations.
For that he was firmly and rudely rebuked by Taiwan's so-called ally, the United States.
The State Department said the United States "does not support Taiwan's independence and opposes unilateral changes to the status quo by either Taiwan or Beijing."
"We're issuing this, in the wake of some comments by President Chen in Taiwan, that we don't want to be inflammatory or send the wrong signal," said spokesman Adam Erili. "We certainly weren't expecting it and we weren't consulted about it."
I've got a bulletin for the State Department and the Bush administration: The status quo is that Taiwan is a free and independent nation in every sense of the word - like it or not.
Why would the United States oppose independence for another nation? Why would the United States condemn another people for struggling for it? Why would the nation that made history by declaring independence from the greatest superpower at the time in the world denounce another people fighting for the same thing?
The answer, of course, is obvious. We don't want to rock China's boat.
Imagine if the French of the 18th century took a similar stance. Imagine if Lafayette didn't want to "be inflammatory or send the wrong signal." Imagine if our founders were as timid as the Bush administration about freedom.
Last summer, the brutes in Beijing threatened the United States with nuclear annihilation if we lifted a finger to defend Taiwan.
"If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition onto the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons," said Maj. Gen. Zhu Chenghu. "If the Americans are determined to interfere ... we will be determined to respond. We Chinese will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course, the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds ... of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese."
What did Bush say or do in response to this threat?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
That's real courage, huh? That lack of spine is the very thing that will eventually, inevitably, lead us into war with China.
Long ago, the United States embarked on a wrong-headed, immoral policy of appeasement of China, adopting as its own official position Beijing's claim to Taiwan as part of China. It is not. When China or anyone else talks about "reunification" with Taiwan, it is misleading itself and the world. Taiwan was not part of China when the communist revolution took place, and it has not been since.
Taiwan is an independent, free and prosperous nation that wants no part of "unification" with a closed, totalitarian government. It was a tragic error for the United States to say it will not recognize Taiwan as an independent, sovereign nation. It is by every definition. Even if Taiwan had been, as the Chinese view it, a breakaway province of China, it would have every moral and legal right to live as a free and independent nation. But that is not the case.
It's long past time for the U.S. government to recognize China is an expansionist threat to peace in Asia. It's long past time for the United States to recognize it is only a matter of time before China embarks on its military plan of conquest of peaceful Taiwan. It's long past time for the United States to recognize that giving China mixed signals on this issue will have the unintended consequence of making armed conflict with China more likely - not less.
Actually the Bushs have been nothing but China enablers, their family investments there are among the largest.
How are these Bush Illuminati allowed to invest in China, (where the Chinese sell executed prisoners' body parts, who did not have the benefit of a jury trial}, AND THEN CHINA USES THEIR INCREASED WEALTH TO BUILD UP THEIR MILITARY, WHOSE SPOKESMEN HAVE THREATENED TO DESTROY AMERICA?
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