Populist #23
On the Executive Branch; Relating to War Powers, continued
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/22/06)
Drug prices rise under Medicare plan
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News :: Right Wing
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
22 Feb 2006
Tony Ryals
Those behind the scenes of this UAE corporation may not even be from UAE at all for all we know.Who ever is behind it,the CIA or far right no doubt approves.But since when has our corrupt CIA,that has been gutted by Porter Goss and his ilk as it is,had our interests at heart ? Their only interest is self enrichment and corruption and they have led our military into a trap in Iraq and Afghanistan almost willfully. Why ?
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Must-Know History: Operation Northwood
22 Feb 2006

Very brief summary, links, and simple poll of readers on "Operation Northwood." Must-read.
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/21/06)
Major bird flu summit coming in six days
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Washingtons bigges’t enemy is “the truth”
21 Feb 2006
Jim Zender
Hidden inside american english is another language called plain english
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News :: U.S. Government
W Bush U.S. Petroleum-Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts
20 Feb 2006
Tony Ryals
So W Bush sacrificed those of low income American soldiers and our National Guard who should have been at home protecting our shores and raising their children as well as women who should not have been on a battlefield in the fiirst place and now he goes around Congress and the American people to make deal with United Arab Emirate Muslim fundamentalists to guard our ports,a job those dead soldiers and National Guard in Iraq should have been performing !
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LOCAL News :: Gender and Sexuality
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