Hidden inside american english is another language called plain english
Hidden inside american english is another language called plain english
And although it sounds just like english it is not, it may also be called broken
english, street language, slang...Now this english cannot be understood unless you
look very close or in slang “read between the lines” and it goes right over our
rulers heads, they do not know it.This english is used to warn us about all the
lies and propagana we are fed, in america, we are disinformed and misinformed
by the us government. In our english it is called bullshit but they don’t use these
english words. In their english language these would be called un american english
words, they do not speak this english but real americans ain’t afraid to use this english
because it is english, isn’t it? And when we do they always cover their ears, it works everytime,
they never hear us this way.
Now this hidden english has taught us that are democracy has been stolen and replaced
with a fake or plutocracy, our news media failed us. And that our government is not spreading democracy as they claim but capitalism in it's place, fake democracy and lies instead of truth,
evil not Good. Millions in america are very experienced with this hidden english language.
Now this is why today america is so devided one side uses english to speak lies and one side
Uses english that looks the same but it isn’t it is truth instead, one language 2 purposes.
Now let me give you an example or 2 c could be a simple c or sea can be referred to as hell, or see could mean listen or hear. Or to say God you could say old man “first”, or oak "for strongest", or mountain“most high”, and sun might really be son...
Now before you say english is 1 language let me give you an example of what this has taught us about religion in america. Lets look at the words to the song cold turkey now you could just say this Is about quitting smoking or drinking but it might be more like spiritual famine, turkey is where
The gospel was first taught, just like the chuch. Now remember turkey might be church cold might be dead, is that what the church is to this day? The song could be about false gospel or religion, not quitting ciggaretts. Now this song could express the total frustration that the true believers were feeling as they were drivin out by the corporate church or money changers that run religion in america and today, it's been hijacked.
Many times when something real important or ugly must get said we might use what we call extreme measures, they call it bad words. Now this is still english, they don’t like this english, they call it bad english, we call it strong language. but it does 2 things in america, it gets them to cover their ears. Then we pay close attention because we understand that we are to look at these words not as bad english words but strong words or verbs or in some english languages it is considered action words like the f word becomes not about sex but means cheat, steal or decieve.
Now Black people are a very effective force here and when they start rappin the white man goes mad. Now I’m not saying the black man does the dirty work Often times black man or man in black really means white man Who’s only crime is being born with an honest heart. Sorta like black men are punished for being born with black skin, or an iraqi may be killed just because he was born in iraq not because he is really guilty of anything get it? Take a close look!
You know it's funny how 2 thousand years later God used turn tables to turn the tables on the church, look at the song elenor rigby, now it has taught us God has left the church and to follow the wind or find him as we know it, we do know what way the wind is blowing, or whats going on
if we know our english well. Now the next time your driving down the road listening to your music and you here the word rain understand that it could mean rain it could also mean reign but 9 times out of 10 it means the word or true gospel, try this. Wow I know that sounds twisted but it is very true, standing in the rain can also mean standing in the word or being a true believer, see
for yourself if the word fits better or make more sense. Bet your preachers and teachers never taught you that kind of english, did they? better learn your english real Good america.
Now be careful how you spell or see, it really depends on what english you use. Now if you do all your math america you will see what this adds up to. The real threat to our democracy is inside our own borders. Washington has a steady tracked record of attacking, undermining, and destroying democracy all over the World. The good news is you only have to do 200 years of simple math to see for yourself, now how do you do that? In english!
Jim Zender Geneva on the Lake Ohio