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News :: U.S. Government

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

And SRA International is the 'IT' or 'internet
technology' company that the NSA may employ for internet spying whose search engine NetOwl scans the internet ! They also created the Mantas AML or anti-money laundering software that didn't work as James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc.of Baltimore stock touting machine lied to promote Endovasc and 'up to 30 million' worthless Endovasc shares were dumped from a Charles Schwab account to defraud naive investors such as myself !

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Commentary :: Right Wing

“Best Director” Oscar for Ports Brouhaha Production

The Iraqi War has been raging for over three years with hardly a peep out of the Congress and/or the Media. Now, a deal which would permit an Arab-owned company to manage stevedore operations in six U.S. ports has sent both into a feeding frenzy. Why? The U.S. Coast Guard is in charge of security at the ports, not the stevedoring outfit. Whoever is behind this ports brouhaha affair deserves an Oscar nomination for - “best director!”

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/26/06)

Major Bush—I mean Bird—flu conference starts tomorrow

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LOCAL Commentary :: Environment


A political commentary explaining why gold prices are rising

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Review :: Media : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Reporters to Follow

"if you want the real nuts-and-bolts reporting, go to Knight Ridder. Look at what John Walcott, Jonathan Landay, Warren Strobel are doing." - Kristina Borjesson, former CBS reporter who pushed too hard.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : International Relations : Peace : U.S. Government

If Teachers Were Congressmen


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Review :: Culture

Eastern Orthodox Christianity 101

Who is GhiorghiOU BuSCH-a?

Some aspects of other forms of Christianity are not so widely known, here in the United States. After having witnessed service in Romanian, Greek, Russian and Serbian Eastern Orthodox churches I learned that the beginning of the sermon inevitably blesses the President of the host country, in this case George W. Bush by name. In their accents you usually hear something that sounds like: AnDDD ooooRR pRiZZiDENT Georgiou BuSCH – but nevermind the accent. I feel that this a very little known fact and that many other forms of Christianity do not have this “presidential” mention within their usual sermons.

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:New Haitian Pres.Preval Faces Economic & Political Pressure from Washington

Interview with Bill Fletcher, president of the group TransAfrica Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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LOCAL News :: Africa : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Globalization

Chesapeake, Susquehanna Clean-Up Efforts Get Slashed as Bush Funds Moroccan River Project;

The U.S. Trade & Development Agency (TDA) is funding an evaluation of advanced technologies to stem chronic river pollution — in Morocco, that is. The Moroccan river initiative comes to light just as the Bush Administration has proposed massive cuts to river pollution-prevention initiatives across the United States.

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Commentary :: Environment : International Relations : Middle East : Military : Peace

Placating the "Greens"

The Greenies aren't particularly upset with President Bush for launching – on false pretenses – an unauthorized war of aggression against Iraq three years ago.

Nevertheless, the Greenies are extremely upset with Bush

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