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LOCAL News :: Africa : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Globalization

Chesapeake, Susquehanna Clean-Up Efforts Get Slashed as Bush Funds Moroccan River Project;

The U.S. Trade & Development Agency (TDA) is funding an evaluation of advanced technologies to stem chronic river pollution — in Morocco, that is. The Moroccan river initiative comes to light just as the Bush Administration has proposed massive cuts to river pollution-prevention initiatives across the United States.
According to a planning document obtained by The Peacock Report, Moroccan olive oil producers every day release 2,000 tons of semi-solid waste into or around the Sebou River. Consequently, the TDA is funding a "feasibility study" to analyze and develop a solution "for the treatment of olive oil waste" that's choking Morocco's Sebou watershed.

The TDA — an independent White House entity — expects to award a $322,000 grant to a still-unnamed U.S. contractor to conduct the study; however, in the name of global free-trade, U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill for the subsequent clean-up of the Sebou. According to the TDA project document, the U.S-Morocco Free Trade Agreement (FTA) "facilitates financing and eliminates costs associated with the implementation of this project."

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