An Anarchist Commentary About Cuba
24 Mar 2006
Movimiento Libertario Cubano
James Petras’ Photographs of Cuba Before and After Developing: An anarchist commentary on his declarations about Cuba
* The Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC – Movimiento Libertario Cubano) makes some pertinent observations about certain declarations by somebody who was until recently an unconditional defender of the Cuban revolution.
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LOCAL News :: Globalization
24 Mar 2006
Farragut Squares Collective

A place, date, and time has been decided for the begining of organizing for the World Bank-IMF. The meeting will take place on at 3PM April 2, 2006 at the Flemming Center, 1426 9th Street NW Washington DC.
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Fast Food Media
24 Mar 2006
Thomas Pany
The new paradox of journalism is that more and more publications cover fewer and fewer stories.. Idealists have lost and accountants have won.
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Populist #25
Limiting Presidential War Powers
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News :: Miscellaneous
Addwaitya, RIP
US-led forces round up whole Iraq village in "security sweep".
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LOCAL News :: U.S. Government
Sarbanes on Censuring of Bush
A response by Senator Sarbanes to my call for him to co-sponsor legislation to censure Bush. Link provided to Sarbanes' web page. Having worked on Capitol Hill, I know public pressure plays a role.
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News :: Military : Peace : War in Iraq
Another Personal Story of a Soldier's Death
My sister sent me this note about an Iraq war death in her neighborhood.
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Announcement :: Culture
Fountainhead; XXI Black International Cinema Berlin Germany, St. Louis Mo. 2006!
23 Mar 2006
Overview of an international, intercultural organization based in Berlin Germany producing: annual film festival, cinema distribution, publications, weekly television program, dance theatre.
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(1 comment)
LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Globalization : Labor
Tuesday, March 28th Event, 6 pm: Workers Rights in the Global Economy
22 Mar 2006
This event will examine workers rights around the world, as well as the economic and trade policies that devastate poor countries and fuel undocumented immigration. Local workers rights groups will also talk about their activities in Baltimore, and the proposed Workers Center.
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News :: Media
Scott's Blog (3/22/06)
Building democracy, one dead baby at a time
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