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LOCAL News :: U.S. Government

Sarbanes on Censuring of Bush

A response by Senator Sarbanes to my call for him to co-sponsor legislation to censure Bush. Link provided to Sarbanes' web page. Having worked on Capitol Hill, I know public pressure plays a role.
Dear Dr. George:

Thank you for getting in touch with me to express your views on S. Res. 398, a resolution to censure President Bush. I appreciate the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

S. Res. 398 would censure President Bush for his actions related to eavesdropping on communications of Americans, within the United States, without obtaining the court orders required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. The resolution was introduced on March 13, 2006, and referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary for review.

I certainly understand your concerns about the NSA program, particularly as Congress has given the President authority to obtain orders for such surveillance on an expedited basis - even after the fact - from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

The NSA program appears to contradict long-standing restrictions on domestic spying and subvert constitutional guarantees against unwarranted invasions of privacy. Allowing government officials to engage in domestic surveillance of U.S. citizens without proper authorization undermines the very basis of a free society, and I believe the NSA program must be fully investigated.

Although I am not a member of the Judiciary Committee, you may be certain that I will keep your views in mind should this resolution come before the full Senate for consideration. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact my office.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further matters of interest or concern to you.

In the future please visit my web site at

With best regards,
Paul Sarbanes
United States Senator

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