News :: Asia : Children : Civil & Human Rights : Military : Peace
RP rebels use child soldiers—UN

MANILA, Philippines—Three of the country’s rebel groups—Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf, communist New People’s Army, and secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front—are among the world’s “persistent violators of children in armed conflicts,” the United Nations said.
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : History : Military
Political Comeback Marcos Family Alarming – Victims of Martial law

PHILIPPINES - On April 27, 1977, urban poor leader Trinidad Herrera-Ripuno was arrested in Katipunan, Quezon City by virtue of an arrest and search and seizure order (ASSO) of then President Ferdinand Marcos. She was made to suffer brutal torture, which was meant to break her determination and spirit.
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Obama's Gulf Commission: Distortion, Obstruction and Whitewash Assured
25 May 2010
Stephen Lendman
Obama's Gulf commission assures coverup
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Overcoming the Dominance of Finance Capital
25 May 2010
Conrad Schuler and Leo Meyer
Changing power relations means taking up the social and political struggle against finance capital. Reversing the redistribution of income is a prerequisite for containing the money flows in the financial sector. In Germany the same goods and services can be produced with a quarter fewer working hours (1991-2010)
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What Will The Honorable Ira Grammerman DO?
24 May 2010
Apparently, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, believes they are above the law and can dictate to New York State Judges how they are to order procedure. The latest letter issued by Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP’s Thomas Mclish, arrogantly informs the court that they have “advised” their clients to “ignore” the subpoenas “SO ORDERED” and issued by New York State Supreme Court Justice, Richard Lowe III.
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Destroying Public Education in America: Part II
24 May 2010
Stephen Lendman
Destroying America's 375 year tradition for profit
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News :: Elections & Legislation
California Governor’s Race: Republican Gubernatorial Candidates Fueling Immigration Fires
24 May 2010
Richard Perry
Stewart Alexander says, if elected governor, he will work with the US Department of Justice to challenge Arizona’s new immigration law; “I believe it is unconstitutional and will adversely affect Mexican-Americans, Muslims, Blacks, and working people.”
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Gender and Sexuality
Jose Maria Sison: Party animal by night
23 May 2010

It's party time in Utrecht. And it's not about the Communist Party of the Philippines.
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