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News :: Crime & Police

Nazis in CIA, put there by Bush family will prevent fair elections again.

America Betrayed confirms that the financiers of the Nazis (Bush family included) brought in thousands of Nazis into the CIA, who operate ruthlessly to support the rich and terrorize the poor, and that the CIA killed President JF Kennedy. , and effected a coup d etat. also shown by click on Lois Posada. The article goes on to say that the NaziCIA led by GH Bush then became part of the Republican Party. The secrecy that Bush is claiming needed for National Security is to keep a secret that 911 was engineered by officials within the government for pure financial gain for their private corporations., and the cooperation of certain foreign governments.

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LOCAL News :: Activism : Protest Activity : Right Wing

KKK and NSM rally on June 10th

On June 10th, the KKK and members of the National Soicalist Movement will be have a March/Rally at the Antietam National Battlefield in Maryland. DC/MD Antifas might want to consider hitting this up instead of going to Buffalo for that NSM event.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Miscellaneous

Exciting day of events with Ralph Nader and Kevin Zeese

Two antiwar leaders tour Maryland on Saturday, June 10.

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News :: Media

Studies show new drugs effective against cancer

News Junkie Scott's Blog (6/5/06)

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News :: Urban Development

Squatters in Kazakhstan: Bakai in Flames!

5 homes in Bakai squatters' community demolished without warning, residents caught by surprise. Rumors of a child killed by the police as residents clashed with the authorities on June 1, 2006.

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Commentary :: Right Wing



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Commentary :: Middle East

Unilateralism is Over. Resistance Grows.

The US government saw itself forced to climb down in two central foreign policy questions. Washing-ton's efforts to completely cut off the Palestin-ian authority's money supply were stopped. In the Iraq question, Bush was manoevered offside in the UN Security Council.

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Commentary :: Middle East

Abracadabra Democracy


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Announcement :: Activism : Animal Rights : Crime & Police : Environment

Green Scare Event in DC - Cafe Night and Educational Event at Brian MacKenzie Infoshop, 6/10

Cafe Night in Conjunction with the International Weekend of Resistance to the Green Scare: Dinner and a presentation, Saturday June 10, Washington DC

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism

Kevin Zeese: “Both Parties Selling Country to Highest Bidder!"

Kevin Zeese, an independent candidate for U.S. Senate in Maryland, accused both parties, Democrats and Republicans, of “selling the country to the highest bidder.” He spoke at a Forum, in Baltimore, MD, on June 4, 2006. Zeese emphasized the importance of breaking the straightjacket the two parties have on the voters in order to give them a real choice. Zeese also underscored that our fragile environment is headed for a global disaster, unless serious policy changes are made within the next five to ten years.

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