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Nazis in CIA, put there by Bush family will prevent fair elections again.

America Betrayed confirms that the financiers of the Nazis (Bush family included) brought in thousands of Nazis into the CIA, who operate ruthlessly to support the rich and terrorize the poor, and that the CIA killed President JF Kennedy. , and effected a coup d etat. also shown by click on Lois Posada. The article goes on to say that the NaziCIA led by GH Bush then became part of the Republican Party. The secrecy that Bush is claiming needed for National Security is to keep a secret that 911 was engineered by officials within the government for pure financial gain for their private corporations., and the cooperation of certain foreign governments.

"Today the world faces a single man armed with weapons of mass destruction, manifesting an aggressive, bullying attitude, who may well plunge the world into chaos and bloodshed if he miscalculates. This person, belligerent, arrogant and sure of himself, truly is the most dangerous person on earth. The problem is that his name is George W. Bush, and he is our president."
~ Jack M. Balkin, Knight Professor of Constitutional Law and the First Amendment at Yale Law School, 2002-09-22

Speaking at the Sept. 23, 1994 United Nations Ambassadors' dinner, David Rockefeller remarked,

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long." "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." 38

911 The right major Crisis!


America Betrayed
Bush, bin Laden, 9-11
by R. Joseph, Ph.D.
University Press, 2nd Edition ISBN: 0971644578

Prescott Bush and Rockefeller's Standard Oil had been in business with the Hitler regime and the Nazis since 1933, and in 1942, three Bush businesses were seized by the U.S. government, for violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act.

Three generations of the Bush clan became members of a German secret society: the Yale chapter of the "Order of Skull and Bones." In Germany, the Order of Skull of Bones --also known as "The Brotherhood of Death"-- gave rise to Hitler and the dreaded SS. Prescott Bush, through his shipping company, became a special "Friend" of Himmler's SS--the same SS which, in conjunction with IG Farbin, ran the concentration and slave labor camps.

The Bush clan and Rockefeller's standard Oil, were in business with IG Farben, as well as with the Saudis who had also partnered with Hitler.

At the conclusion of WWII, and Germany's defeat, thousands of high ranking Nazis and SS agents were recruited, by Bush-Rockefeller lawyer, Allen Dulles, into what would later become the CIA. Allen Dulles, and later, George Bush, would become directors of the CIA...

...IG Farbin, a consortium of companies that included Bayer, conducted horrible experiments on concentration camp inmates to discover an "ethnic biological weapon" --a deadly disease that would target specific ethnic groups... Drs. funded by the Rockefeller foundation directed this research.

In 1957, a scientist who completed his medical training in Nazi-occupied Poland, and who was funded by the Rockefeller foundation, injected 300,000 Central African men, women, and children, with an experimental polio vaccine--a vaccine that contained a deadly AIDS-like virus, monkey HSIV. Years later, Central Africa would become "Ground Zero" for the AIDS/HIV epidemic...

On August 6, 2001, Bush received a memorandum titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," but then did nothing. Two weeks later, CIA Chief Tenet and his top deputies received a briefing paper labeled "Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly." Bush and Cheney were notified and did nothing...War would be good politics and good for the business of war.

...Three generations of the Bush clan have been in business with governments and people who kill Americans, and on the morning of 9-11-2001, Bush sr. was in business with the bin Ladens and other Saudis who had helped fund Osama bin Laden and the attack of 9-11-2001... 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and Bush did nothing to stop the attack.

The attack of 9-11, would transform an inept, incompetent president into a war time leader who would attack not Saudi Arabia but Iraq and then steal its oil and well as attack American Civil Liberties and the U.S. constitution...

Bush knew in advance, but welcomed the attack of 9-11-2001, as its aftermath would not only earn his family and associates billions of dollars, but would provide an excuse for attacking Iraq and toppling its leader, Saddam Hussein--the sworn enemy of Osama Bin Laden.

"Key FBI Headquarters personnel had to be spies or moles.. Who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden....Key FBI HQ personnel... continued to, almost inexplicably, throw up roadblocks and undermine Minneapolis' desperate efforts... to stop terrorists...." who planned "to take control of a plane and fly it into the World Trade Center." --FBI supervisor, and Coleen M. Rowley, FBI Special Agent & Chief Division Counsel...

"It was as if Usama bin Laden, hidden in some high mountain redoubt, were engaging in long-range mind control of George Bush." --United States Counterterrorism Chief, Richard A. Clarke.

...and it goes on and on...



THOSE WHO BURN BOOKS.....................................................7

THE NAZI-TERRORIST OIL-CONSPIRACY...................................................23 (DownLoad PDF)

THE BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH...........................................57 (DownLoad PDF)

CIA-NAZIS: TERROR & MURDER INCORPORATED (The Kennedy Assassination).....101 (DownLoad PDF)

THE TERRORIST ASSASSINS: Bush, the CIA, & the Ford, Rockefeller, Reagan Assassinations...173 (Download PDF)

THE TANGLED ROOTS OF TERRORISM.............................................213 (Download PDF)

BUSH-LADEN, WAHHABISM & THE GULF WAR...................................................263 (Download PDF)

BIOLOGICAL ETHNIC WEAPONS: AMERICA TERRORIZES THE U.S. ............................................303 (download PDF)

OSAMA BIN LADEN, AFGHANISTAN, TALIBAN, AL-QAEDA, FLORIDA & GEORGE BUSH...................................................................377 (download PDF)

BUSH, FBI & CIA SABOTAGE PRE-9-11 INVESTIGATIONS .........................................377

9-11: BUSH KNEW & ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN.................... 409

TERROR FOR OIL....................................................479 (download PDF)

BIN LADEN THE BUSINESSMAN ................................................................505 (download PDF)

A TAIL OF TWO "HEROES"........................................................................535

IRAQ & THE "BIG LIE"....................................................479

Bush's limiting SEC Scrutiny reveals Gross Cover-up of Corruption

The deal went like this:

Cheney agrees for Halliburton to take on the Dresser asbestos liability.

It is determined that Bush and Cheney will be (s)elected, and that the PNAC plan will be implemented - using 9/11 as the essential pretext.

Ken Lay plays his role using his Enron smoke and mirrors tactics to create a faux energy crisis in California, causing the public to demand an energy-savvy administration be elected.

With the asbestos liability and other matters hanging in the balance, the election of 2000 simply had to be rigged in order for the plan to go in to effect. (Recall the stopping of the Votes in Jebb Bush's Florida, by Delay's henchmen, and subsequent forwarding election to Supreme Court)

Following the appointment of Bush and Cheney, the secret energy planning meeting established which oil companies would reap the rewards of the pending invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

The timing and the pretext were predetermined, and 9/11 was greenlighted for 9/11/2001. Cheney outsourced the implementation to Mossad, and ran the show from his bunker on D Day under the cover of preplanned drills simulating the exact attack that was proscribed, with NORAD as coconspirator. At least 50 administration officials and countless foreign agents were in on it.

Once the entire charade was concluded, the Administration generally, and Cheney specifically, had every reason in the world to blame Iraq.

The Afghanistan mission could not provide Halliburton with enough revenue to offset the massive asbestos liability claim. Iraq and Iran are essential wars in order to provide cover for the infusion of the billion of TAX DOLLARS necessary to both profit Halliburton for its actual work AND cover the massive asbestos liability claims.

Now you know why Halliburton was awarded the contracts without the need to bid for them. This was all prearranged.

NOTE: Private enterprise pushed its legal/financial obligations onto tax payers using war as the excuse.

The asbestos liability claims of Dresser Industries were ultimately paid by you and me, and our troops in the field, all to ensure that the investors in Dresser didn't take the multibillion dollar loss.

GW included the issue in his State of the Union speech in 2005.

"To make our economy stronger and more competitive, America must reward, not punish, the efforts and dreams of entrepreneurs. Small business is the path of advancement, especially for women and minorities, so we must free small businesses from needless regulation and protect honest job-creators from junk lawsuits. (Applause.) Justice is distorted, and our economy is held back by irresponsible class-actions and frivolous asbestos claims -- and I urge Congress to pass legal reforms this year."

Famous Quote of George Bush Senior:" You can fool some of the people all the time, and these are the ones you want to concentrate on" I also remember he said "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."

George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992

most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our Number one priority and we will not rest until we find him!" - GW Bush, September 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." - GW Bush, March 13, 2002

President G W Bush's first pick to investigated the 911 Attack: Henry Kissenger

"It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true." -- Henry Kissenger

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." Henry Kissinger, quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976

"Today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government."

-- Henry Kissenger, from his grand finale address at the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, 21 May 1992

Individuals who knew beforehand the deep financial liabilities of their holdings, and profited greatly from the 911 attack Cheney Bush Family Silverstein Peterson, Blackstone Mortgage holder on WTC, and Council of Foreign Relations. Immigration Bill Is Worse Than You Think by Sen. Jeff Sessions Posted May 25, 2006

Editor's Note: Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, offered a devastating analysis on the Senate immigration bill in a speech delivered on the Senate floor on Tuesday, May 23. Sessions pointed to shocking elements of the bill that were hidden deep in its text. These include, for example, that the employers of illegal aliens would be given an amnesty for cheating on their taxes, and that under the terms of the law the government would for all practical purposes have to take an illegal alien's word for it that he has been in the country illegally long enough to qualify for an amnesty. Sessions also pointed to some of the tremendous hidden costs of the bill, including the $500 billion in additional welfare payments it will cost American taxpayers in the period 10 to 20 years after its passage.

Senators who vote for the bill today cannot credibly claim later they were unaware of the elements and consequences that Sen. Session's outlined in this speech.

Four Traitors: The Devil is in the Details! Impeach

Bush uses "for reasons of National security" to hide TREASON []


Like Hitler's Gestapo (7,8), the mission of the CIA had a

definite political purpose which was to put into power those sym-

pathetic to the interests of the Wall Street elite and who supported

the fascist ideology of the Brotherhood. However, it was not just

third world countries which would be subverted, but the govern-

ment of the United States.

Excerpt America Betrayed
from above: Dulles immediately began recruiting Nazi terrorists and SS

torturers to fill the ranks, and to teach SS methods to new CIA

recruits (6,10,12). Almost overnight, the CIA became a criminal

enterprise, devoted to protecting the business interests of the Wall

Street elite, including those directed or controlled by Bush,

Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Dulles brothers. Anyone and ev-

eryone challenging or threatening the ability of these men and their

associates to make money and to rape and exploit third world coun-

tries, became dangers to "national security." Opponents would be

eliminated, their governments or organizations toppled, and indig-

enous populations, including workers, murdered or terrorized into

submission--tactics identical to those employed by Hitler's SS--

the Brotherhood of Death (7).

ald Reagan, and George Bush" (12).

Hitler's dream and his SS essentially became the CIA.
The Nazis are in the CIA. They did 911 with Bush's knowledge, Cheney directing the operation!
It's Gross Treason: Letter to Congress

Bush's limiting SEC Scrutiny reveals Gross Cover-up of Corruption

Four Traitors: The Devil is in the Details! Impeach
they’re trying to cover up their profits by not have the SEC look into their corporations that are profiting the most. They are in an alliance with the Jesuits too.

The CIA is bringing the drugs into the country and making addicts.

NAZI CIA operatives are in the Republican party, and fixing the elections, examples voting machines owned by Rosthchild, the disruption of the Florida Count by Delay’s henchmen, the scandal in the Ohio elections revealed by Congressman Kennedy.

Quite from author Vaticanassassins:
Do not forget that "Poppy" Bush, like Gerald Ford, is a Knight of Malta and hosted his Grand Master Andrew Bertie at the White House in 1991. The crimes of the Bush family can be traced right back to the Vatican---the Munich Jesuits being the power behind Hitler who in turn was financed by SMOMs Prescott Bush, Sr. and Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was the intimate friend of SMOM Franz von Papen, the man who brought Hitler to power, negotiated the Concordat at the Vatican in 1933 and later was protected by Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh at Nuremberg resulting in his acquittal and release.
The family of US-President George W. Bush has a long experience in producing

By the Bush-Family Hitler’s SA was armed by Remington revolvers made in USA
and built General Motors one of the world’s biggest factories for military
cars, the LKW-Werk Brandenburg/Germany. It was destroyed by allied bombs
only at the end of World War II not to leave it to the Russians. Grandfather
Prescott Bush was before court because of his deals with Hitler’s Germany,
his property was confiscated. Prescott Bush and his fellow Roland Harriman
both members of the “Skulls&Bones” Gang at Yale-University supervised the
property of the German steel producer and Hitler-financier Fritz Thyssen and
supported Hitler in other industries relevant to war. (Webster G. Tarpley &
Anton Chaitkin: George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography). US-ambassador in
Germany William E. Dodd stated 1937 to the "New York Times" that there was
a crew of US-industrialists very keen on helping the fascists in Italy and
the Nazi’s in Germany to get to might. See also historians like Robert A.
Brady: "The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism" (1937); "Business as a
System of Power" (1943) or of journalists like George Seldes, "Facts and
Fascism" (1943), Charles Higham: "Trading With The Enemy; The Nazi American
Money Plot 1933-1949" (1983). In the ninetieths of the 20th century the
former prosecuting attorney and then director of the Florida Holocaust
Museum John Loftus ("The secret war against the Jews", 1994) revealed what
remained hidden to the controllers of Nazi-properties: By which channels the
US-investions had flown into the "Hitler-Projekt" and how profits came out
of it. The key positions were two Wall Street Bancs - "Brown Brother
Harriman" and "Union Banking Corporation" – whose director was Prescott
Bush and the "Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart"/Rotterdam/Netherlands which
was founded 1916 by Thyssen who in 1923 financed by it the "Braune Haus",
the first headquarter of Hitler’s NSDAP-in Munique. After World War II the
Thyssen-billions evaded the confiscation by the Allied Nations. This
transaction by "Union Banking" stayed hidden to the prosecution attorneys.
Prescott Bush and his father-in-law Herbert Walker, to whom George W. Bush
ows his W. got back their investments in „Union Banking Corporation” in
See also:
1. Mansur Khan, Die geheime Geschichte der amerikanischen Kriege
(Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für deutsche
Nachkriegsgeschichte/Tübingen, Bd. 24), Grabert-Verlag, Pf. 1629, D-72006
Tübingen, ISBN 3-87847-196-3, 1. Aufl. 1998
2. Die Kriege der Familie Bush, Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag/Germany

George W. Bush/USA is under accuse for genocide in Afghanistan by
self-constructed reasons. The prosecutor is Ramsey Clark, US-Minister for
Justice under US-President John F. Kennedy. Clark says that the strokes of
11th Sept. 2001 were impossible without collaboration of high US-staffs.
Many experts – Secret Service, pilots, military specialists, architects –
agree. Source: Aargauer Zeitung; 2001-12-31; Seite 1 .
Meanwhile Mr. Muller, Chief of the FBI, stated that thorough investigations
by thousands of detectives for about six months reveiled not a single
certain proof that Osama Bin Laden is guilty. So Bush has destroyed
Afghanistan without evidence. Zbigniew Brzezinski, US-Safety Expert, already
1999 wrote in his book: The only left World Power, America’s strategy of
pre-dominance, Fischer (Tb.), Frankfurt , ISBN: 3596143586: We need an event
like Pearl Harbour to produce a reason to bring the oil of the Caspic Sea
under US-Control and to keep the heroin-income which the Taliban had ended
in 2000. This was the US-self attac of 11th Sept. 2001 – controlled by
psychiatrists. Also weeks before Pearl Harbour the US leaders were warned
but let more than 3.000 of their own soldiers come to death to justify
before public that then the USA joined World War II.
Michael C. Ruppert, former police officer in Los Angeles, reports in the
internet-magazine “From The Wilderness”, From Afghanistan
until recently came 75% of the world’s opium by which the CIA is paid.
The CIA also took part in building the laboratories for heroin-production.
The opium-farmers get 300 US-dollars for one kilogramm opium, the sealer
gets 10.000 US-Dollars. Nowhere else such profit margins exist. Especially
interested is also Tony Blair in continuing the tradition of the East-India
Company of the Crown which controlled the opium-trade with China. Therefore
Andreas v. Bülow, former German Minister for Education, writes in his book:
“Im Namen des Staates” („In the name of state“), München 1999 : “In 75% of
all big cases of drug crimes the search is blocked by the sheltering hand
of the Secret Services. „
In the year 2000 however the Taliban-Government destroyed the complete opium
harvest of Afghanistan and got out of drug business. But the North
Alliance, fighting against the Taliban and supported by the CIA, has
promised to come back to opium trade if they win..
The pure gain in drug business ranges in the field of trillions of
US-Dollars every year.
Facing the servility of Germany and others to take part in the private
interests in might and profit of the Bush-Clan, since decades notorious as
High-Criminals, we must be alarmed at the utmost.
Since the 11.Sept.2001 the following information has been published,
variously in "The Wall Street Journal"/USA, the "Corriere della
Sierra"/Italy and "Eleftherotypia"/Greece in the following connection:
The father of Osama bin Laden, in the 1960`s became the first Arab to invest
in the Texan oil industry and died through an unexplained aircrash.
Thereapon Osama's brother, Salim who had moved 1973 to Texas to run the
firm, established close links with the Bush-clan - and more especially the
then-time CIA-chief George Bush sen., wherapon the present US-President
George Bush jnr. fouinded in 1978 the Oilexploitation firm "Arbusto (=span.
"Bush") Energy", which had as senior partner the CIA-man James Buff, who was
a confident of the Saudi royal family - and a contact-person with the
muntinational scandal-corperation BCCI. They had close financial and
political relations to Islamic terrorists and were heavily involved in the
smuggel-trade. In Bush`s "Arbusto Energy" were also investors like Salim bin
Laden and Haled bin Mahfous, key figures in the BCCI-scandal of the 80`s and
today central figures in the terror-organisation Al Kaida. In 1982 "Arbusto
Energy" fused with other firms to become "Harken Energy"with a large
participaton of Arabic capital and including firms from the circle around
Bush, BCCI and US-foreign minister James Baker. Twice "Harken Energy" found
itself almost bankrupt, but was saved on these occasions - partly by money
put up from the circle around Bin Laden. In 1998 the firm landed a very
large Contract from Bahrein. Salim bin Laden died - like his father before
him in a mysterious air crash in Texas. Nevertheless the families Bush and
Bin Laden have remained till today closely associated.
Who controlls the controllers?
Here I give a summary of the 3rd Symposion of the “Gesellschaft für
Energetische und Informationsmedizin e.V.”, Vorsitzender:
Hendrik Treugut, Klinikum Schwäbisch Gmünd, Postfach, D-73522 Schwäbisch
Gmünd, (Society of Energetic and Information Medicine) in cooperation with
the "Institut für Statistik
und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen der Universität Stuttgart
(Leiter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. > B. > KRÖPLIN)"(Institute for statistics and
dynamics of air and space constructions). In this symposion I took part in
Oct. 2001. Electronical steering of living structures, animals and humans,
is developed since decades. Meanwhile it is discussed under experts
whether hearing of voices can be produced in originally healthy persons.
The Neurobiologist José DELGADO/Yale-University/USA, where also the
BUSH-Clan was educated, developed an instrument named STIMOCEIVER, which
can produce emotions like fear or aggressiveness on distance. In the
beginning -at least 1974- bulls were brought into rage. Then mules were
steered across mountains (investigations by John C. Lilly, paid by the
military complex). Today the scientists discuss whether the
suicide-assassins could be influenced by stimoceivers. It seems to be
possible to catch any person by a stimoceiver-ray and make him drive his
car into the crowd. The person would not want to do this by himself and if
he survives he might have no memory of what he has done. In Germany now
they plan to make the human face on the identity cards more suited for EDV
("biometrics"). Then the stimoceiver could work more precisely.
Source in internet: Click on Louis Posada


Four Traitors: The Devil is in the Details! Impeach
President Bush's speech Pleases no one!
by rese and posters Tuesday, May. 16, 2006 at 6:23 AM
What is it about illegal you don't get?

Smart Nazis
by Allwhocare Sunday, Jun. 04, 2006 at 7:04 AM

Will You be the next TARGET of our own corrupted Government?
by rese and posters Monday, May. 08, 2006 at 8:25 AM

Comedian Colbert's jokes were based on our reality. Ask yourself who profited from 911? Did fundamental fanatical Muslims actually make their countries safer by 911? No. Research shows the money trail leads to the true perpetuators of 911.

Has Comedian Colbert, by ridiculing Bush in his face,stopped nuclear War? Part 2
by rese Thursday, May. 04, 2006 at 9:25 PM

Comedian Colbert RIDICULED President Bush in his face at The Correspondents Roast. Yet only "Clone" Bush was blasted on the mainstream media. Help spread this around, and show it to those who you hold dear. They've censored the original link.

Full screen Colbert:

Porter Goss Meets with Pres. Bush & Remarks on Resigning as CIA Dir. (5/05/2006)
White House Press Sec. Scott McClellan's Last Press Briefing (5/5/2006)
Comedian Stephen Colbert at White House Correspondents' Dinner (4/29/2006)
President Bush & "Clone" at White House Correspondents' Dinner (4/29/2006)
Entire White House Correspondents' Dinner
Full screen version of Colbert's pergormance, But BLURRED PRESIDEN'T FACE
Has Comedian Colbert, by ridiculing Bush in his face,stopped nuclear War?

Colbert's performance was superb, demonstrating Bush's performance as below marginal.

Yesterday, President Bush said his biggest accomplishment of his Presidency was reeling in a 7.5 pound

Sadly most of America doesn't know about this because most Americans are too busy just working, trying to make ends meet, and rely on TV Media news.

TV media news are owned by the very same corporations in alliance with the military, profiting from their preplanned wars with Afghanistan and Iraq.

Well planned out by PNAC and Cheney way before 911 they wrote in Rebuilding America's Defenses, the Need for a New Pearl Harbor then they made it happen. The same people behind J.F.K's assassination hung on behind the scenes, and succeeded in assassinating 3000 citizens on 911.
See click on doc flicks, Read click on Posada.
Most of this article is devoted to explaining why they made it happen.

It is criminal that there's even discussion of talk by the VICE president of nuking Iran. How does he know Iran does not have alliances with Nuclear China, Pakistan and North Korea?
How dare he set off WW III and a resulting nuclear winter? We had mutual deterrence in the past and we can live with mutual deterrence now. But nuclear power plants have not been so lucky! The effects of Chernobyl as shown in photos a girl took while riding on her motor bike, and at Portland indymedia, this article, Nuclear energy is a never-ending nightmare, Chernobyl in Ukraine still killing on and on..."Only a very small amount of the radiation inside of there had so far actually escaped. More then 90% is still under sarcophagus. I heard with all the concrete they put down, the construction became heavy. Some day it may fall down, get in subterranean waters and leave Europe with no water."

Not only was the WTC full of asbestoses it had galvanized aluminum making it a financial albatross. To destroy it for the insurance would be very profitable! Larry Silverstein admitted pulling building 7 two years after on a PBS special. See
On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"?
This article with comments and discussion "Treason" shows the WTC was targeted for insurance.
Federal government Corruption Exposed
Evidence for Treason
That story about Halliburton acquiring the asbestos liabilities of Dresser Industries raises an interesting point...

Cheney KNEW that Dresser had the most massive liability issue on planet earth (he had to have known) yet decided to pay good money to bring Dresser's problems under Halliburton's tent.

This raises the question...who were the largest shareholders of Dresser - in need of a lifeboat to save their own personal bacon? Anyone named Bush? Anyone named Carlyle?

The deal went like this:

Cheney agrees for Halliburton to take on the Dresser asbestos liability.

It is determined that Bush and Cheney will be (s)elected, and that the PNAC plan will be implemented - using 9/11 as the essential pretext.

Ken Lay plays his role using his Enron smoke and mirrors tactics to create a faux energy crisis in California, causing the public to demand an energy-savvy administration be elected.

With the asbestos liability and other matters hanging in the balance, the election of 2000 simply had to be rigged in order for the plan to go in to effect.
(Recall the stopping of the Votes in Jab Bush's Florida, by Delay's henchmen, and subsequent forwarding election to Supreme Court)

Following the appointment of Bush and Cheney, the secret energy planning meeting established which oil companies would reap the rewards of the pending invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

The timing and the pretext were predetermined, and 9/11 was green lighted for 9/11/2001. Cheney outsourced the implementation to Mossad, and ran the show from his bunker on D Day under the cover of preplanned drills simulating the exact attack that was proscribed, with NORAD as coconspirator. At least 50 administration officials and countless foreign agents were in on it.

Once the entire charade was concluded, the Administration generally, and Cheney specifically, had every reason in the world to blame Iraq.

The Afghanistan mission could not provide Halliburton with enough revenue to offset the massive asbestos liability claim. Iraq and Iran are essential wars in order to provide cover for the infusion of the billion of TAX DOLLARS necessary to both profit Halliburton for its actual work AND cover the massive asbestos liability claims.

Now you know why Halliburton was awarded the contracts without the need to bid for them. This was all prearranged.

NOTE: Private enterprise pushed its legal/financial obligations onto tax payers using war as the excuse.

The asbestos liability claims of Dresser Industries were ultimately paid by you and me, and our troops in the field, all to ensure that the investors in Dresser didn't take the multibillion dollar loss.

Just one piece of a very large chessboard.

Hang them for TREASON.
By: plunger

GW included the issue in his State of the Union speech in 2005.

"To make our economy stronger and more competitive, America must reward, not punish, the efforts and dreams of entrepreneurs. Small business is the path of advancement, especially for women and minorities, so we must free small businesses from needless regulation and protect honest job-creators from junk lawsuits. (Applause.) Justice is distorted, and our economy is held back by irresponsible class-actions and frivolous asbestos claims -- and I urge Congress to pass legal reforms this year."

Famous Quote of George Bush Senior:" You can fool some of the people all the time, and these are the ones you want to concentrate on"
I also remember he said "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."

George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with
Sarah McClendon in December 1992

most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our Number one priority and we will not rest until we find him!" - GW Bush, September 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." - GW Bush, March 13, 2002

President G W Bush's first pick to investigated the 911 Attack:
Henry Kissenger

"It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true." -- Henry Kissenger

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." Henry Kissinger, quoted by Bob Woodward in The Final Days, 1976

"Today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government."

-- Henry Kissenger, from his grand finale address at the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France, 21 May 1992

Individuals who knew beforehand the deep financial liabilities of their holdings, and profited greatly from the 911 attack
Bush Family
Peterson, Blackstone Mortgage holder on WTC, and Council of Foreign Relations.

The greedy leaders better be investigated and tried for treason, and removed from office. They've destroyed much of the Good America has done in the world, Peace Corps, symbol of freedom and diversity, and turned The US into a dirty word, with torture, spying and murders of innocent people. They've started a fascist military corporate dictatorship which Congress, must stop if they want to stay in Congress.
Evidence for Treason
by et al Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 5:28 AM

The President's credibility is at an all time low because of the uncovering of deception of reasons for the war in Iraq. At first we were made to think Sadamn Hussain and Bin Laden were responsible for 911. And the President uses 911 to justify the war. Yet he refuses to release documentation that was seized after 911. his stand on porous borders, the Dubais Port deal, now the arms industry all give credence to the war on terrorism is fabricated.

Skeptics watch Martial law with an open mind.
Federal government Corruption Exposed

Treason has been committed by members of both major parties. Unless it is brought out into the open now, those same traitors will as they have said, attack Iran with Nukes, and throw the world into Nuclear WW III.
On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"?
This article with comments shows the WTC was targeted for insurance.
Neocons and Katrina
Larry Silverstein Pulls it Off

Bush o'kayed CIA leak?

Bush o'kayed CIA leak, Part 2
Bush o'kayed CIA leak, Part 2
Why is your tax money profitting the Jesuits?
PM America's greatest Threat

CNN Poll:AgreeU.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks? Yes 84%

Chinese Military Handed No-Bid Contract On Key US Security
> Infrastructure
> The Black Popes scenario for World War 3 & destruction by ERIC JON
Iran is Not a Threat to the U.S. nor Israel
Murtha or Bush on Iraq? of the Military Industrial Dictatorship
No censure: Impeach!
911 was an inside Job by Dick Cheney and PNAC
Loose Change This Video clearly shows the physical evidence of 911 that is contradictory to the Official Version of 911.
So you hate corporate control of America
Free Money!
Illuminati=Evil=Live for them, Die for them

Porous Borders prove the "War on Terrorism" is phony!
HS to combat the evil that is tofu Scholarsfor911Truth
Bush & MKULTRA Satanic killer who Bush pardoned while Governor, BOTH in same cult in '80s
Was WTC 7 an act of ARSON and an act of Government Terrorism?

David Ray Griffin finds evidence in the testimony of firefighters words ... they'd been under a do not talk order," they say demolition"
I trust the honesty and bravery of firefighters who are willing to risk their lives to save others!
CIA Resurrects Dead Bin Laden.WHY?
book chapter: Drug Running Bush Family and their Fake War on Drugs: Police as drug pushers

ZIOCON/GOP = another name for MAFIA MONEY; Abramoff scandal ties to 9-11 Atta drugrunning!

Oil and drugs are what the Illuminati loves

To Them EVIL= Live
Formation of the Military Industrial Dictatorship
Who has the elite allied themselves with?
Globalization, is the brain child of the globalized Jesuit
Muslims weren't the Enemy who attacked us on 911! If their aims were really of tolerance and multicultural acceptance, they’d be harmless,
But their aim is to install the infallible Pope, God on Earth, and their oath is to destroy all nonbelievers. Their organization believes the End justifies the means. They want the Pope to rule from Jerusalem, and have been actively working toward that end.

China won't support sanctions against Iran:,00050001.htm
Chinese FM maps out blueprint for EU-China ties:

Speaking of China
Who The Bush's have done a great deal to open trade with
what do you think of this:
Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of "cleaning up" America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.
We must prepare ourselves for two scenarios. If our biological weapons succeed in the surprise attack [on the United States, the Chinese people will be able to keep their losses at a minimum in the fight against the United States
........................................................It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world

Given the Western history of Asia, the British Opium wars, the British use of poison gas in WW I, it is easy to see China's threatened perceptions of the New American Empire being created by by the creators of PNAC= Project for a New American Century. For this reason Americans must come to the truth about the 911 attack on this country!
Recently the Pope said the appointments of Chinese Cardinals and Bishops "sadly" didn't have his blessing. I wonder if they have the blessings of the Jesuit General.

Weapons of mass destruction backfire and kill the source.

Here is someone's plan of How the attacked were pulled off:

1. In the 911 Commission Report it's specified that most of what is known about the alleged attempt of the passengers to retake the plane comes from the cockpit voice recorder. One little problem: the cockpit voice recorder DOES NOT record anything in the cabin, especially when the cockpit door is closed.
2. No large piece of the airliner wreckage was ever found. According to the official story, it basically vaporized. YET, the 911 Commission wants us to believe the cockpit voice recorder was found intact and in perfect working order.
3. We are supposed to believe that the terrorists were extremely smart and knowledgeable to disengage the transponder but at the same time ridiculously stupid as to forget to turn the airphones off. According to a friend of mine who trained on the 757, the two master switches (transponder and cabin airphones) are located on the very same central console, just a few inches apart, both within easy reach of the pilot and co-pilot.
4. There is no way cellphones can work from an altitude and a speed of 500+ mph, especially considering that the aircraft was flying over rural Pennsylvania, where wireless cells are extremely scattered. Moreover, the network 5 years ago was nowhere as reliable as it is today.
5. According to witnesses, pieces of the aircraft were found in a radius of about 100 miles around the alleged point of impact in Shanksville, PA. This is consistent with a mid-air explosion, not with the plane crashing on the ground.
6. It's very hard to believe that an amateur pilot could let a 757 go on a steep dive and then recover it. (*) All the while without experiencing airframe stress, resulting in some form structural collapse. Not to mention without consequences to the passengers.

(*) A truly comical scene for everyone who knows something about airplanes is when the terrorist pilot attempts to recover the aircraft from a steep dive by exercising force on the yoke. For the record, the 757 features fully fly-by-wire avionics (if you don't know what it means, google it.) But evidently the movie director has seen too many WWII movies and he thinks a 757 flies just like a B-17.
This theory is leading to the culprits.
9-11: The Flight of the Bumble Planes
by Snake Plissken as told to Carol A. Valentine

March 10, 2002 -- Eureka! One of my readers, who calls himself "Snake Plissken," has put it together. He tells us why the passenger lists of the four September 11 "suicide" jets were so small, how remote control was used, why the transponders were turned off, why the radar tracks of the four planes were confused, why there was no Boeing 757 debris at the Pentagon ...
By George, I think he's got it!
My e-mail exchanges with Snake took place over a series of days. With Snake's agreement, I have consolidated the exchanges, inserted some reference URLs, and made minor edits. My comments and additions will be bracketed thus [...]. As you read what Snake has to say, keep the following in mind:
"Magic is the pretended performance of those things which cannot be done. The success of a magician's simulation of doing the impossible depends upon misleading the minds of his audiences. This, in the main, is done by adding, to a performance, details of which the spectators are unaware, and leaving out others which they believe you have not left out. In short a performance of magic is largely a demonstration of the universal reliability of certain facts of psychology." (John Mulholland, The Art of Illusion, Charles Scribner & Sons, 1944.)
In what follows, Snake unravels the illusions of the 9-11 magicians.

You did some fine research on 9-11. You came within inches of solving the puzzle of the "suicide" jets, and now you need the rest of the story. Let me explain by making a suggestion.
Go visit a bumblebee hive some time, and try to keep your eye on just one bee. You can't do it. You get confused. Think of the 9-11 jets as bumblebees. Matter of fact, you could even call Operation 911 "Flight of the Bumble Planes."
I've worked in cryptology and there are many ways of hiding the truth. Substitute information, omit information, scramble the information out of sequence, and add nonsense (random garbage). All four methods were used on the 9-11 incident. Let me lay out the clues and show you where they lead.

• First Clue -- Few Passengers On The Four Flights
Many have remarked about the short passenger lists on the four 911 jets. You might get a low turnout for a 767 or 757 now and then, but four coast-to-coast flights taking off from the East inside of a few minutes of each other, all with short passenger lists? Nuts. That's your first clue.
• Second Clue -- First Report of First WTC Crash
The second clue comes from the first New York eyewitness on NBC. She had no question about what she saw. You could hear it in her voice. If she was the state's witness, the defense team would have their heads between their knees before she stopped talking.
What did she say? She heard an airplane coming in low and looked up. She saw a small private jet, and watched it fly into the first WTC tower, the North tower. She was certain in her description -- most people know the difference between a big round-nose commercial jet and a smaller plane.
[CV cmments:
In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on October 25, 2001, NORAD commander Ralph Eberhart said of the first September 11 report: "We were told it was a light commuter airplane. It didn't look like that was caused by a light commuter airplane."
Later, some dodgy report came in from an anonymous source in the "United Airlines Command Center" that American Airlines had a hijacking, and they gradually padded the story out until the viewer felt like he was part of an unfolding revelation on the size and make of the plane. So the first eyewitness's story got shellacked.
• Third clue -- Pentagon Crash
The first report on NBC said there had been an explosion near the Pentagon heliport. No mention of a plane.
If you were watching ABC, the first reports cited eyewitnesses who said a business jet had crashed into the Pentagon. Notice that this description is similar to the first report about the WTC. A small plane, not a big, round-nosed passenger jet.
Then ABC interviewed some media executive who said he "saw the whole thing" from his car on the freeway. It was an American Airlines passenger jet. Good luck the road didn't need his attention while he was gawking. And of course it was a big passenger jet scraping the light poles with it's belly as it came in low. And that story paved the way for the official truth.
• Fourth Clue -- No Boeing 757 Debris at Pentagon Crash Site.
By now lots of people have realized there is something very wrong with the story of Flight 77's crash into the Pentagon. What's the problem? The wingspan of a 757 is about 125 feet, with about 35 feet between the two jet engines.
The hole left by whatever hit the building was 70 feet across.
[US News & World Report, December 10, 2001, pg. 31
After the smoke died down, everyone could see the Pentagon but no one could see the plane. The Pentagon is made of masonry -- limestone -- not steel and glass. The aluminum wings of the plane should have been ripped off and left outside the building. We should have seen wing wreckage. But there was none.
[CV comments:
[I have studied TV footage taken contemporaneously by various networks and reviewed photos from news magazines published just after 9-11. After the smoke died down, no Boeing 757 debris was visible.
See the following URLs at the website of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington, D.C., sent to me by researcher John DiNardo, . By the way, Mr. DiNardo suspects that inside explosives were used at the Pentagon on 9-11. Certainly the damaged section of the building had just been renovated; explosives would have been easy to install.
The scenes depicted by the US Army photos are consistent with contemporaneously published photos in the popular press. See, for example, US News and World Report, September 14, 2001, pg. 40.
and the photo that appeared in Newsweek's 2001 "Extra" edition, pgs. 26, 27.
This photograph below, with caption, appeared on the US Army Military District of Washington site. It unwittingly demonstrates that there was no Boeing 757 wreckage. Think now: a hundred thousand pounds of seats, framework, skin plates, engine parts, flaps, wheels, luggage, interior panels, electronics, and this little out-of-context scrap of God-knows what was shown by the Pentagon.
In the last several months, largely as a result of Mr. DiNardo's work, there has been growing Internet discussion of the lack of Boeing 757 debris outside the Pentagon. Now, magically, new photos of "Boeing 757" Pentagon wreckage are beginning to appear. Check out the websites of Mike Rivero and Joe Vialls for copies of these fakes. Rivero and Vialls, by endorsing them as real, have surely identified themselves as members of the fake opposition.
OK. Now back to Snake Plissken.]
• Fifth Clue -- Quality of Pilots in Pentagon crash
As you point out
[Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS, ""]
the flying instructors who trained the "suicide" pilots of Flight 77 said they were hopeless. "It was like they had hardly even ever driven a car ..." The flight instructors called the two, "dumb and dumber," and told them to quit taking lessons.
Yet the Washington Post described the maneuvers of Flight 77 before it hit the Pentagon. The huge jet took a 270-degree hairpin turn to make its target. The Post said Flight 77 had to be flown by expert pilots.
Something is wrong here. Now "dumb and dumber" are expert pilots. That is your fifth clue.
• Sixth Clue -- Transponders Turned Off
As you point out, the "hijackers" turned off the transponders which transmit information showing the airline names, flight numbers, and altitude. But the FAA also uses conventional radar, so the "hijackers" must have known the planes were still visible. Why would the "hijackers" shut the transponders off, you asked? You are looking at your sixth clue.
["Did NORAD Send The 'Suicide' Jets?" Part 1
• Seventh Clue -- Confusion On Radar Tracks
As you point out, some of these flights disappeared from the conventional radar scopes. [See above-cited URL.] That's your seventh clue.
• Eighth Clue -- Second WTC Tower Barely Hit
Have a look at the footage of the second WTC tower being hit. The plane almost missed the tower and just managed to hit the corner. Yet the first plane struck its target dead center. That's your eighth clue.
[See diagrams from Wag the WTC website at: ["".]

• A Boeing 767 was secured and painted up to look like a United Airlines jet. It had remote controls installed in it, courtesy of some NORAD types. Call that plane "Pseudo Flight 175" and leave it parked at a military airfield for the moment.
• The number of the passengers on each flight was kept artificially low that day. Easy to do. Just monkey with the airline computers and show the fights full so no more tickets are sold. Include some of your own operatives in each flight, maybe.
• After the planes are in the air, the transponders must be shut down. There are a few ways to do this, maybe, but the simplest is this: Have one of the NORAD insiders call the pilots and say: "This is the North American Aerospace Defense Command. There is a national emergency. We are under terrorist attack. Turn off your transponders. Maintain radio silence. Here is your new flight plan. You will land at [name] military air base."
• The pilots turn off the transponders. The FAA weenies lose the information which identifies the airline, the flight number, and the altitude of the planes. Of course the planes can still be seen on conventional radar, but the planes are just nameless blips now.
• What did the radar show of the planes' flight paths? We'll never see the real records, for sure. But in the spy movies, when the spy wants to lose a tail, he gets a double to lead the tail one way while the spy goes the other. If I were designing Operation 911, I'd do that: As each of the original jets is flying, another jet is sent to fly just above or below it, at the same latitude and longitude. The blips of the two planes merge on the radar scopes. Alternately, a plane is sent to cross the flight path of the original plane. Again, the blips merge, just like the little bees you're watching outside the hive. The original planes proceed to the military airfield and air traffic control is thoroughly confused, watching the wrong blips ...
That's probably close to the way it was managed. Like I say, we'll never see the radar records so we won't know exactly.
[For the alleged flight paths of the four jets, see
For names and locations of military airfields in the US, try
You can search for a listing of bases in 9-11 related states by using the search engine.]
• A small remote controlled commuter jet filled with incendiaries/explosives -- a cruise missile, if you like -- is flown into the first WTC tower. That's the plane the first NBC eyewitness saw.
• The remote controlled "Pseudo Flight 175," decked out to look like a United airlines passenger jet, is sent aloft and flown by remote control -- without passengers -- and crashed into the second tower. Beautiful! Everyone has pictures of that.
Why did Pseudo Flight 175 almost miss the second tower? Because the remote operators were used to smaller, more maneuverable craft, not a big stubborn passenger jet. The operators brought the jet in on a tight circle and almost blew it because those jets do hairpin turns like the Queen Mary. They brought it in too fast and too close to do the job right and just hit the corner of the tower.
• Then another remote controlled commuter jet filled with incendiaries/explosives -- a cruise missile if you like -- hits the Pentagon, in the name of Flight 77.
• Eyewitnesses are a dime a dozen. Trusted media whores "witness" the Pentagon hit and claim it was an American Airlines Boeing 757, Flight 77. Reporters lie better than lawyers.
• Meanwhile, the passengers from Flights 11, 175, and 77, now at the military airfield, are loaded onto Flight 93. If you've put some of your own agents aboard, they stay on the ground, of course.
• Flight 93 is taken aloft.
• Flight 93 is shot down or bombed -- makes no difference which. Main deal is to destroy that human meat without questions. Easiest way to dispose of 15,000 lbs. of human flesh, and nobody gets a headline if they find a foot in their front garden. No mass graves will ever be discovered, either.
• The trail is further confused by issuing reports that Flight 77 was actually headed towards the White House but changed its course.
• The trail is further confused by having The Washington Post wax lyrical about the flying skills of non-existent pilots on a non-existence plane (Flight 77).
• The trail is further confused with conflicting reports and artificial catfight issues, such as -- did The Presidential Shrub really see the first tower hit on TV while he was waiting to read the story about the pet goat ...
So we know the Boeing that used to be Flight 93 was blown up. The other three original Boeings (Flights 11, 175, 77) still exist somewhere, unless they were cut up for scrap.
The passengers and crews of Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93 died in an airplane crash, just like the newspapers said. Only for most of them, it was the wrong crash. But that's as close to the truth as the news media likes to get anyway, so it works.

So there you have it. Not four planes. More than four took off from the East Coast airports: the four scheduled Boeings, the remote controlled Pseudo Flight 175 Boeing, and two small remote controlled jets or cruise missiles. Figure in a couple of extra planes to confuse the flight paths of the original passenger jets.
The four original Boeings had conventional controls. The look-alike Boeing and the two small jets were drones, rigged with remote control. You called it Global Hawk, and that's good enough. The mimic planes could have been piloted or remote controlled.
Why not just install remote control in four passenger jets like you described in "NO SUICIDE PILOTS"? Here's why: You might get remote control gear installed on a passenger jet so pretty the pilot would not notice, but that would be more work, more time, and more people. Then you would have to control your special plane through maintenance dispatch and try to get it lined up for that day, that time, that flight. Then you would have to multiply those efforts by four. There would be too many chances of things going wrong. Plane substitution would be much simpler. You'd just need the NORAD insiders, the personnel at the military airfield, and maybe an agent or two inside the FAA air traffic control system to make sure things go smoothly. That should not be too difficult because NORAD has sent lots of its people over to the FAA to work on the FAA radars.
[CV comments:
Gen. Eberhart, NORAD commander, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on October 25, 2001 that " ... we've actually moved manpower on the order of about 200 people over the years to the FAA to operate these radars." Cited in "Did NORAD Send The 'Suicide' Jets?" Part 2. See Eberhart testimony at
Some people have suggested the original passenger planes were used with the flight computers hacked and loaded with the collision coordinates for the targets. Maybe the job could have been done that way, but it was not. You know for sure it was not because flight computers do not fly planes the way those were flown. A flight computer is given a set of GPS points (geographic coordinates) to follow, and the computer charts the path between them, correcting for cross-winds and other errors. The flight computer flies smooth and gentle, the way passengers like it, without jerky corrections.
You know Flight 175 was not on that system when it hit the south tower because it came in fast (they say) in a tight hooking circle that almost missed the tower. An autopilot wouldn't make that mistake. The crash of flight 175 was not a pre-programmed flight computer finding the optimum path. What you see there in the path of 175 is a real-time controller fighting the physics of flight -- and almost losing it.
You've already dealt with the Joe Vialls Home Run explanation, so I don't have to analyze that again.
I've seen another lame attempt to explain away what happened: Supposedly AWACS hit the planes with EMF and knocked out their manual electronics, then took over the 9-11 planes by remote and made them crash. That's a pipe dream. Anything that knocked out the electronics from a distance would turn a plane into a flying scrap heap. Those plane are completely dependent on electronics, and no remote beam could pick and choose which circuits to destroy and which to leave intact.

• Pentagon Security Photos
On March 7 CNN released four photographs taken by Pentagon security camera on September 11, 2001.

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