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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Horrific Conditions in Los Angeles County Jail

the same ongoing across America

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Easing Gaza's Siege: Bogus and Unacceptable

Israel's easing bogus

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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Protest Activity

Suu Kyi marks birthday; world remembers

RANGOON—From tree planting in Burma (Myanmar) to a solidarity rally in Washington and flash mobs in Britain, people around the world are holding events to mark the 65th birthday today of Aung San Suu Kyi.

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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Military : Poverty

Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET!

Imelda-Marcos-runs-for-Congress.jpgWe seem to have forgotten that once upon a time, not too long ago,
there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased),
Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and
occasionally, kung maka lusot, overseas), and 3 children, including
Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate
Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists (??) Liza
Maza (Gabriela Women's Party) and Satur Ocampo (Bayan Muna - People First).

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Commentary :: U.S. Government

Oval Office Duplicity: Cover for Corporate Criminality

government/corporate crime

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News :: Elections & Legislation

California Primary Election Results- Riverside County will not Count 12,563 votes

Stewart Alexander is calling on California Attorney General Jerry Brown to investigate this violation of voter rights and says it is also the responsibility of Secretary of State Debra Bowen to insure that every vote is counted. “Unless the 12,563 votes are counted, the election is not valid.”

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:U.S. and Israeli Policies Strengthen Iranian Hardliners; Undermine Green Movement

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

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Commentary :: Culture


As the oil in the gulf keeps gushing, destined for our shores and our lives, so many issues have surfaced regarding this catastrophe. Along with immediate effects there are unknowns like how long it will take for the Gulf Region to recover. There’s the issue of when fisheries and marshlands so crucial to industry and sea life will be safe and to what extent they are now. And, the question remains as to whether deepwater rigs in the gulf in existence now are safe or prepared should another tragedy hit.


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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Goldstone Commission II Essential

independent investigation essential

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News :: Culture

el imperio

cada pueblo conservaba su lengua y su cultura

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