Announcement :: Children
Turning the Tide on Religious Fundamentalism— Free Lecture
24 Sep 2006
Ezra Niesen
I’ve been invited to give a lecture at Arizona State University this fall on evolutionary science and its uses in progressive activism. The version of the lecture I wanted to give turned out to be 4 hours long, so I recorded that version in 13 tracks and posted it on my website for free download.
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Announcement :: Labor
Announcing the second comic book/coloring book from
ABOLISH RESTAURANTS: a worker's critique of the food service industry
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News :: Globalization : History : International Relations : Latin America : Military
The Devil in George W. Bush
23 Sep 2006
Captain Eric H. May
A former Army officer, with backgrounds in military intelligence and public affairs, thinks that Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez hit the nail on the head when he called George W. Bush a devil -- and gives reasons why.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Stalking; Old Terror or New "Sport"...
23 Sep 2006
"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air -- however slight -- lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness." ~ Justice William O. Douglas
We are living in that twilight today. Stalking, whether perpetrated by an individual or by a group, is a direct attack on the very core of our being. If you are being stalked, your basic rights promised by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are being violated. In essence, you are experiencing terrorism which was devised and designed to rob you of your ability to earn a living, of your reputation, your ability to feed, clothe, and house yourself, your dignity, your self esteem, and even your life.
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LOCAL Announcement :: War in Iraq
Saturday Night Show: Son of Nun, Ryan Harvey, Head-Roc, Attentat!
The UPRISE Counter-Recruitment Tour, a month-long collaboration between various counter-recruitment activists around the country, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and the Alive in Baghdad project, have two stops in Baltimore.
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Announcement :: Media
CTFF:Feature "American Zeitgeist" will be Appearing in October at...
23 Sep 2006
....The CT Film Festival ~ "American Zeitgeist" ~ Feature ~ Director: Rob McGann ~ Comprehensive examination of the War on Terror and how we got here. Intelligent and probing interviews with Tariq Ali, Richard Clarke, Christopher Hitchens and others.
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BTL:Parallel Government Established in Mexico as...
23 Sep 2006
Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Millions Reject Tainted Presidential Election~Interview with the Chuck Collins, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : History : Protest Activity
PHILIPPINES: Remember Martial Law!
22 Sep 2006
Laban ng Masa (Struggle of the Masses)

September Twenty-One Protest against Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (STOP-GLORIA)
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LOCAL Announcement :: Media
22 Sep 2006
Protest of Support Planned in Washington DC On September 27th
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