Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

A Call to Confront the Klan's Rally in Harper's Ferry, October 14th

On October 14th, the World Knights of the Ku Klux Klan will hold a rally in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, continuing their recent trend of holding demonstrations on national landmarks and battlefields. To even further the absurdity, this time they're protesting the famous raid led by abolitionist John Brown on the arsenal there on October 16th, 1859. The topic of discourse: "Black Crimes in White America."

This would mark the fifth time the Klan has showed up on a battlefield to spew their racist, hateful rhetoric, and with every time they encounter less and less opposition. It’s important to show the KKK and others like them that we will most certainly NOT stand for fascist organizing in our communities, and that they will be met with resistance where ever they go. No matter what.

While many continue to take the stance of, "ignoring them will make them go away," it must reiterated that ignoring problems has never made them go away. And it won't. Ever. They must be stopped.

This is a call for all anti-racists and anti-fascists within the region to come to Harper’s Ferry and militantly address this threat to our communities. We hope to apply pressure to fascist organizing as much as we can, in hopes of building a large and diverse resistance movement that is capable of confronting this problem appropriately: physically and directly. Nothing less.

It is asked that all who wish to come begin organizing in their own communities with their own tactics and ideas now, so that we can coordinate a larger action during the time of the rally that can be as effective as possible. E-mail to plug in so that we can begin coordinating our efforts.

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