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Baltimore IMC


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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Elections & Legislation : War in Iraq

!!! State of Union protest in DC tuesday January 23rd !!!

!!! State of Union protest in DC tuesday January 23rd !!!

If you can't make it to DC for this, then protest the State of the Union in your own hometown!

h2State of the Union = State of Emergency!h2
Bring This to a Halt: Iraq War, Torture, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes!

h3January 23, Tuesday, 8 P.M.h3
Grant Statue at the Capitol Reflecting Pool

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Informe sobre los sucesos en Oaxaca CCIODH


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Commentary :: War in Iraq

Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: A Cassandra for Our Times

The Bush-Cheney Gang’s immoral and illegal war in Iraq “hugely advances” the interest of Al Qaeda and Iran. “No American interests” are served by that conflict, according to Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, USA, Rtd. The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, “the worse it will get.” He added: “Staying the course makes no sense.” Leaving Iraq now, Gen. Odom insisted, “is the only way to recover from the greatest strategic mistake in American history.”

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Announcement :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Military : Peace

A Critical Mass of Anti-War Proportions in D.C. on the 26th

Come join other bikers in saying no to war and as well
no to cars and wasting gas this friday the 26th of
January at Dupont Circle near the fountain 6:00 PM

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Announcement :: Activism

Help UFPJ on Saturday

We need people to help with fundraising and security.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD

Baltimore: City or Gulag?

Baltimore city, RIP. It is being turned into an extension of suburban sprawl.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Health Care

Film: Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin

An evening with Emergency USA. A film screening of "Jung (War) in the Land of the Mujaheddin" at John Hopkins University Interfaith Center, 3400 North Charles Street on January 22, 2007 at 6:30pm.

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News :: Media

Chinese Army SUVs coming to US

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/20/07)

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism : Crime & Police : History : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

The Case of Jose Padilla in the 'War on Terrorism'

This poem is offered in honor of the Jan. 27, 2007 anti-war march to be held in Washington D.C.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Bush's Iraq War Escalation Provokes Growing Opposition

Interview with Chris Toensing, editor of Middle East Report, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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