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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

¡ Nueva página de internet sobre la guerra popular en el Perú !

La Asociación de Amistad Nuevo Peru (AANP) anuncia que ya tenemos una nueva página de internet:

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Commentary :: War in Iraq

Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut

Evidence of a US-Israeli role in killing of Lebanese PM Hariri

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Review :: International Relations

Under the Spell of the Hegemon: Book Review

Empire-building is a blindness, delusion and false security. Since all people yearn for freedom and self-determination, imperial hubris is based on rewriting human nature and history, stylizing arrogance as a natural law and trashing international law and democracy. The empire only sees the speck in her sister's eye, not the log in her own eye.

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Announcement :: War in Iraq

Coordinated Day of Protest Against the War


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Announcement :: War in Iraq

Open Letter to all 535 members of Congress

An Open Letter to all 535 members of Congress

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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD

Free Speech Victory! March on the Pentagon

The last thing that Bush and the Pentagon high command want is a mass march on the Pentagon on the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 March on the Pentagon.

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Announcement :: Economy

Brazil: Henrique Meirelles faces de tornado at CBB.

Lula prefers that Meirelles stays but syntonized with him. The PT prefers to see Meirelles out. In the absence of Palocci, he guaranteed the depressive growth of the economy in the the last four years.

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Commentary :: Activism

Carta de las Visitadoras al comisario Maigret

Las Visitadoras de Vargas Llosa explican al comisario Maigret que el pasado de las mismas acredita la competencia de éstas para lograr avances en las estrategias del grupo que coordina la señora Maigret para combatir la conspiración de los medios de comunicación para trastocar los conceptos de “ciudadano”, de “Estado Nación” y de organización multilateral en la actualidad.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Poverty

David Simon: “We’re Headed Towards Separate Americas!”

The award-winning author of the acclaimed HBO program, “The Wire,” painted a grim picture of this country. David Simon said: “We’re headed [towards] separate Americas.” Speaking at Loyola College, in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 6, 2007, he said that “unencumbered Capitalism has become our God.” In our greedy society, Simon underscored: “Human are worth less, not more: less.” He said America is going to be a “more brutish, cynical and divided place.”

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Announcement :: Media

New York Anarchist Film Festival to Honor Brad Will. Seeking Submissions!

The New York Anarchist Bookfair and Film Festival will take place April 13-15, 2007 in the belly of the beast, New York City.

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