Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Media

New York Anarchist Film Festival to Honor Brad Will. Seeking Submissions!

The New York Anarchist Bookfair and Film Festival will take place April 13-15, 2007 in the belly of the beast, New York City.
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The First Ever New York Anarchist Film Festival will honor the life and work of Brad Will, a friend and comrade killed by a government sniper in Oaxaca Mexico on October 27, 2006. We will screen a cut of Brad’s remarkable footage that documents a determined revolutionary people’s uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico.

The New York Anarchist Film Festival is now accepting submissions. We are seeking videos & multi-media pertaining to people’s movements & uprisings. The shorter the better. Rebellious, strong insurrectionary & diverse subversive political & cultural content encouraged.

Deadline March 25th, 2007

Contact: WarcryCinema at

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