News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Protest Activity
PHILIPPINES: Ghost of the fraudulent 2004 elections will haunt this year’s polls

As the opposition and the administration finalize their line-up, AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) warned voters of opportunists who would cover up the single most important issue in this year’s elections – the ‘Hello Garci ’ controversy.
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News :: Economy
The Majority Want Socialism
23 Feb 2007
Otto Meyer
In 2005 after Germany was "united in freedom" for 15 years, 52% championed something as bizarre as socialism (46% in the West and 74% in the East).
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Hugo Chavez's Social Democratic Agenda
23 Feb 2007
Stephen Lendman
Analysis of Hugo Chavez's social democratic agenda.
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News :: War in Iraq
After claiming some sort of bizarre conspiracy when Ron Paul won their straw poll two weeks ago, Pajamas Media declared Sir Rudy Giuliani (Knight of Malta) the winner. They proudly claimed that they fixed their “spamming” issue and all was well. The only problem is, Ron Paul also won last week’s poll - overwhelmingly...So how did Pajamas Media respond this time? They completely removed Ron Paul’s name from this week’s poll.
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News :: Media
Bill in Congress requires ISPs to track users
News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/22/07)
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Interview :: Poverty
"Unemployment is a Victory"
22 Feb 2007
Ulrich Beck
Higher productivity allows a maximum in prosperity to be realized with a minimum in human labor. Freedom, not full employment, is the alternative today.
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James Howard Kunstler: “America, Think Downscale!”
America is headed for “a long emergence,” according to author, James H. Kunstler. He’s convinced that the days of the economy running on a cheap supply of fast-fading oil will soon be history. He spoke at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD, on Feb. 20, 2007. Kunstler said it’s time for the country to think: “Downscale!” He sees hard times ahead. Kunstler also doesn’t think much of how the U.S. looks either. He said much of it is a “piece of crap.”
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News :: Protest Activity
New DVD: Video-Chronicles 2006
22 Feb 2007
La Plataforma
We include in this release the video-chronicles we have produced during the last year, trying to give voice in an audiovisual format to different moments of the anti-capitalist struggle.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Show Solidarity with Oaxacan Human Rights Activist
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