Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

News :: Protest Activity

New DVD: Video-Chronicles 2006

We include in this release the video-chronicles we have produced during the last year, trying to give voice in an audiovisual format to different moments of the anti-capitalist struggle.
Demonstration of students against the Bolonia Plan
Demonstration supporting the 3rd Republic
Demonstration: “Stop Repression”
Demonstration in Móstoles supporting squattering
Fascist-named street plaques removal by the Madrid Antifascist Coordinating Comitee
Social fight week’06: antifascist and migration axis
Demonstration against the agression to Lebanon and Palestine
Demonstration in Valencia supporting the squattering
Demonstration for the right for a decent house
Concentr-Action supporting the arrested in the anti-LOU actions 2001: Madrid Complutense University Rectorship Building
Demonstration in solidarity with Iñaki de Juana and the basque political prisoners
Antifascist demonstration: Solidarity with Popular Culture Association “Estrella Roja”
Demonstration of July 26th: Solidarity with Cuba
Trailer: “Unenployed Workers Movement” (Argentina)
Trailer: “Regla Neighbourhood” (Cuba)

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