News :: Protest Activity
Pentagon Protest Photo Essay

Out-takes and link to a photo essay of the March 17, 2007 march on the Pentagon.
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Pentagon Focus of a Spirited Peace Demonstration
The Pentagon was the focus of a spirited Peace demonstration on March 17, 2007. The crowd in the tens of thousands heard from over 30 riveting speakers. Activist Cindy Sheehan said: “Let’s stop this b... s...These b... s.... wars. It’s for the make them rich and line the pockets of the...war criminals.” She added: “We’re the deciders. And we have decided that we want Bush and Cheney impeached...indicted...and imprisoned.”
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News :: Media
France to inaugurate fastest rail service to date
News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/18/07)
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LOCAL News :: War in Iraq
Army Recruiters Disrupted at Citypaper Job Fair
17 Mar 2007
Anti-war activists disrupted military recruiters and handed out counter-recruitment leaflets Thursday at the Citypaper's annual job fair.
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LOCAL News :: Culture
Maryland Media Coordinator - Department of Peace Campaign
16 Mar 2007
Nancy Pace
Baltimore citizens will meet with Senators voting on Nonviolent Conflict Resolution Bill 823. This bill offers juveniles, neighborhoods, and schools “community conferencing” alternatives to costly and sometimes ineffective court system.
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News :: Middle East : Military : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Is Iran Next? What can the average person do to stop a new war with Iran?
16 Mar 2007
Sadie Anderson
Marches, petitions, calls, and faxes to congress are important channels for political action, but what could possibly stop a new war with Iran? One has to wonder, are our congressional leaders even reading their faxes? A notable website called recently published over 80 names and organizations of people whom directly influence policy and the president. Maybe through side channels, average Americans can get their message through.
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Fake Congressional Opposition to War
16 Mar 2007
Stephen Lendman
Congress again betrays the electorate
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Gasoline: More Pain At The Pumps
16 Mar 2007
Stewart A. Alexander
Within the past five months, since November 2006, the average driver is paying an additional $42 per month for gasoline and more than $100 per household. Families are finding it difficult to meet household expenses and are cutting back on weekend activities and vacation plans. The higher gasoline prices are driving up inflation nationally and are affecting the cost on consumer goods and services.
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