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Baltimore IMC

LOCAL News :: War in Iraq

Army Recruiters Disrupted at Citypaper Job Fair

Anti-war activists disrupted military recruiters and handed out counter-recruitment leaflets Thursday at the Citypaper's annual job fair.
Anti-war activists disrupted military recruiters and handed out counter-recruitment leaflets Thursday at the Citypaper's annual job fair.

Counter-recruiters entered the fair and spent an hour or-so handing out flyers to folks who'd been talking with the recruiters, engaging them in conversations about the hidden-story of military service.

After being discovered and asked to leave, one counter-recruiter shouted "military recruiters are professional liars" several times, disrupting the room. There were no arrests.

"I don't like Bush either", one young possible-recruit explained, "I just want to help my family out". These words echoe in towns across the country, where people from lower-income backgrounds are targeted by recruiters.

The military has stepped up recruiting efforts recently as lower numbers of enlistees have combined with a higher demand for bodies. It was announced this week in the Washington Post that the 21,000-troop "surge" will actually be close to 29,000, bringing the total U.S. troops in Iraq count to nearly 150,000.

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