News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Denver to DC Walk for Truth
27 Apr 2007
Brother Elliott
Brother Raymond and Brother Elliott of Beit Shalom Ministries are leading the walk form Denver, Colorado to Washington D.C. Currently, they are in Manhattan, Kansas and have been sharing information at Kansas State University. Watch their video updates on Google video and witness the police state in America. Beit Shalom has also produced two powerful new documentary films on the war in Iraq and 9/11 truth available for FREE.
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The Market is a Universal Totalitarian Religion
27 Apr 2007
Maria Wolflingseder
Money replaces God and has become our new religion, a universal totalitarian religion that never existed before.. Commodification of goods is more important than the goods themselves.
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News :: Education
The Lord's Press Release 4/7****
26 Apr 2007
Bobby Meade
"Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain? (Ps. 2:1) It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) Special Instructions for this IMC: "Turn around, go back down, back the way you came!"
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News :: Elections & Legislation
2 weeks of hard core mind control....
feeling a little confused?
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News :: Media
Iraqis oppose US plan to divide Baghdad into ghetto
News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/26/07)
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News :: Education
The Lord's Press Release 4/7****
25 Apr 2007
Bobby Meade
"Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain? (Ps. 2:1) It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) Special Instructions for this IMC: "Turn Around, Go Back Down, Back the Way You Came!"
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News :: Environment
Scientists are VERY WORRIED About Atmospheric Warming
Recent reports of climatologists from around
the world are revealing that their projections of
warming and CO2 levels have been too low.
They are startled by what their data is showing
and how fast the changes have been happening
in the past few years.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
24 Apr 2007
José Manuel Meléndez Delgado
Durante el gobierno de fujimori fuí obligado a renunciar a mi trabajo,bajo la modalidad de renuncias voluntarias,luego de años de lucha en el poder judicial,logre demandar al estado peruano ante la CIDH,por haber violado mis derechos humanos.Por favor leàn la página Muchas gracias.
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Basic Income: Freedom for Every Individual
24 Apr 2007
Wolfgang Storz
Katya Kipping rightly characterizes basic income as a democracy package. Solving a material question and strengthening civil rights and personal autonomy are joined. With basic income, the individual even when weak is made a strong subject.
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