News :: Elections & Legislation
2 weeks of hard core mind control....
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042607. For over two weeks the bush administration has been using intense electronic mind control here in USA, coupled with shock and awe mind control of assassinations by a mind controlled drone, to literally make Americans forget about the crimes of gonzalez the traitor, and also to make americans forget about the YET AGAIN derailed anthrax investigation, which would no doubt lead back to gonzalez and the criminal law enforcement groups he oversees....this latest mind control operation, of the last two weeks, via antennae and chemical sprayings, and electro-enviro-modification, was the largest test yet of the well developed mk grid in place in America, which will eventually be used to overcome the second amendment....expect a lot more of this as the bush people attempt more gun grabs and as they also attempt to stay out of the line of fire by making people forget with electronic mind control.