News :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Latin America : Peace
Cuba asks UN to circulate official protest on Posada’s release.
CUBA has asked the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council to circulate, as an official document among their members, a statement protesting the release in the United States of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Labor
Some first pictures from today's amazing UWA march and concert
Kicking off another summer of struggle for the dignity of temporary workers at state-supported workplaces like Camden Yards, the UWA and about 200 supporters took to the streets of Fells Point and the Patterson Park area to confront the exploitative poverty profiteers at Next Day Staffing, and to build a broad movement for economic human rights in Baltimore and beyond.
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LOCAL News :: Class : Labor : Protest Activity : War in Iraq
Longshore Workers Honor Picket Line, Shut Down War Cargo Shipper in Oakland
20 May 2007
The Internationalist

This can be an important first step toward the mobilization of workers power to shut down the war machine, but that requires a sharp struggle against the bourgeois politics of the antiwar groups and union officialdom. The OEA calls for money for schools not for war, as if it were a matter of budget priorities, and the PAC poster made a social-patriotic pitch to “Bring the Troops Home Now, and give them the care they need.” Such “peace is patriotic” rhetoric is a staple of the UPFJ, but all the antiwar coalitions make similar appeals to garner support from Democratic Party liberals. Revolutionaries and class-conscious workers, in contrast, emphasize that this imperialist war must be opposed by class war.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
Presidential Candidate: Immigrants Beaten Coast to Coast
19 May 2007
Stewart A. Alexander
On a day when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton spent the evening in rallies with thousands of immigrants, to make amends for the terrible beatings that hundreds of immigrants and reporters received at the Los Angeles May Day rallies, President Bush, along with key Democrats and Republicans, took their tern beating up 12 million immigrants coast to coast.
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Announcement :: Peace
Protest Hoyer at Maryland University Commencement this Sunday
Peace activists will protest Steny Hoyer during the University of Maryland commencement on Sunday Evening. Hoyer is the Commencement speaker.
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Refuting the deafs: chavism and anarchism in Venezuela
19 May 2007
El Libertario's editorial staff
* From the publishers of El Libertario goes our reply to the habitual expressions that the coarse right or the easy-going left used to attribute us; the same left that, inside and outside of Venezuela allows that the mirage of the Chávez pseudo-revolution impressed them. We could and would like to say very much more about this subject, however currently here there is the essential and concise information about our point of view that, even when it was expressed several times it does not implies that it does not have to be repeated.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
"We Are Not Safe"
19 May 2007
Janet C. Phelan
This video details a domestic extermination plan, courtesy of the U.S. Patriot Act.
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News :: Media
Bush regime building NAFTA superhighway
News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/19/07)
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Announcement :: Baltimore MD
Ms. Vickie M.Oliver-Lawson Appears at The Sanctuary Café (Coffeehouse)
19 May 2007
Ms.Vickie M.Oliver-Lawson
Ms. Vickie M.Oliver- Lawson will appear at the Sanctuary Café (Coffeehouse) located at
3737 Greencastle Rd Burtonsville,Md 20866 at 7:30pm on Saturday, May 19,2007. The night includes: Live Band, Open Mic, The Spoken Word, Dinner and Door prizes.
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