Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Race and Ethnicity

stand against racism in DC

DC ARA is calling for a large counter protest against nazi scum on July fourth

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News :: Media

Comeupance! **

Message to the powers-that-be: "Turn around, go back down, back the way you came!" Use the fictious account of Operation Desert Sabre (World Book has a good one!) to knock that "wall" down. (Ps. 62:3)

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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Protest Activity

Philippine farmers demand reform and extension of agrarian reform program.

Philippine-Farmers-Protest-Rally.JPGPhilippine farmers demand reform and extension of agrarian reform program. Asian farmers join rally in solidarity with their struggle

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News :: Asia

puzzles of China wealth, multinationals, finance, banking, outsourcing, reform, society, culture,

explore vast finance, business, investment and trade opportunities from China, India, Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

[btlsummary] Federal Court Challenges President's Right to Hold Detainees...

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

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News :: Right Wing

9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock Scam and Bloody Murder

To Massachusetts residents:It was only after a comment I made on May 24 on David Marchant's messageboard(that you will find below),that the sleezy NASDAQ itself reacted and delisted ICTS International shares from 'trading' on NASDAQ's fraudulent OTCBB or over the counter penny stock market ! You will also find NASDAQ's press release to that effect of June 5 in which they say to make the delisting all they need is for the U.S. SEC of Christopher Cox to approve the delisting. Please, please ask Barney Frank to press Christopher Cox to do his part to make this delisting final as soon as possible,(it should have been done on 9/11/01 if not sooner !),and to please stop filling America's security needs by foreign nationals running penny stock scams with little or no reason to be particularly concerned about U.S. or Logan Airport etc. security !

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News :: Media

Negroponte behind attack on holy Shia shrines in Samarra

News Junkie Scott's Blog (6/21/07)

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News :: Asia

BALOCHISTAN : Petition seeking end to gas supply to Punjab province

Article 158, which was incorporated in the 1973 Constitution after discovery of natural gas in Balochistan, read, “The province with natural gas recourses shall have precedence over other parts of the Pakistan in meeting its requirements from the resources, subject to the commitments and obligations as on the commencing day.”

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News :: International Relations : Middle East : Military : U.S. Government

Pelosi, Hillary, and Lieberman: funded by Lockheed

Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Lieberman each received $10,000 in campaign contributions from weapons maker Lockheed-Martin's PAC during the 2006 election cycle. Could this be one reason these Democrats seem "timid" about making peace?

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Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Culture

Creative Convergence

Creative Convergence – A convening of artists and activists, will be a celebration of Arts and Community that will take place over three days: October 5-7, 2007.

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