Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Culture

Creative Convergence

Creative Convergence – A convening of artists and activists, will be a celebration of Arts and Community that will take place over three days: October 5-7, 2007.
workshop_proposal.doc (527 k)
workshop_proposal.doc (527 k)
Alternate ROOTS invites you to submit a proposal to a festival in October that Alternate ROOTS is producing, in partnership with The Baltimore Theatre Project and ClancyWorks Dance Company.

This festival, Creative Convergence – A convening of artists and activists, will be a celebration of Arts and Community that will take place over three days: October 5-7, 2007. Coming on the heels of the US Social Forum (, Creative Convergence aims to identify and share the strengths of artists in the DC-Baltimore region as an integral piece of a movement towards sustained social change.

Our vision for Creative Convergence includes a workshop series (including youth-led workshops for young people and adults) and performance series (highlighting the dynamic work of artists and cultural workers in the DC-Baltimore region). We encourage all artists whose work focuses on or reflects social issues, community building or cultural preservation to submit a proposal for a workshop and/or performance.

The Convergence has three principal goals:
1. To provide space for artists and activists to share their work through performances and workshops.
2. Workshops will provide participatory opportunities to engage in demonstrations of processes used in community-based work as well as engage in conversations around various systemic oppressions.
3. Network and brainstorm about potential partnerships across the region.

As a regional event, Creative Convergence will provide opportunities for artists, activists, organizers, educators and progressive institutions to connect with other like-minded change agents in the DC/MD/VA/WVA region.

Thanks to funding from Alternate ROOTS’ Community Arts Partnership Program, performing groups and workshop facilitators will receive modest honorariums. (The amount of honorarium is dependant upon securing additional funds.)

Click on the links below to download the Performance and Workshop Proposal Forms.

Performance Proposal Form

Workshop Proposal Form

If you should have any questions or would like to receive a hard copy of the proposal forms, please feel free to contact me via email or cell phone (202-549-7150). The deadline for receipt of the proposal forms is June 30. Please contact me if you should have any questions regarding the proposal forms or the Creative Convergence festival. And please feel free to forward a link to this page and the proposals to anyone who may be interested.

About Alternate ROOTS:
Alternate ROOTS’ mission is to support the creation and presentation of original art which is rooted in a particular community of place, tradition or spirit. As cultural workers we strive to be allies in the elimination of all forms of oppression. ROOTS is committed to social and economic justice and the protection of the natural world and addresses these concerns through its programs and services. For more information about Alternate ROOTS, please visit us online at

About Baltimore Theatre Project:
Theatre Project -- through the presentation of a diverse array of original and experimental theatre, music, and dance -- connects the artists and audiences of Baltimore with a global community of performers. We seek to nurture those artists who are actively experimenting with new forms of expression and support both performers of international reputation and emerging local companies creating new work. Please visit us online at

About ClancyWorks Dance Company:
The ClancyWorks Dance Company is a collective of performing artists directed by Adrienne Clancy. The members of our company have more than seventeen years of dance and choreographic experiences and have held major choreographic, performance, and administrative positions in numerous nationally recognized companies, festivals, and universities. Please visit us online at

Thanks for all that you do and hope to hear from you!

Stephen Clapp
Alternate ROOTS

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