LOCAL News :: Activism : Education : Elections & Legislation : Media : War in Iraq
Rich Gardner: The Pride of Philly
05 Jul 2007
Bobby Meade
This arises from my communications with Rich Gardner, who I presume is of Philly IMC. What I was trying to get these dumkopfs to find was the who, when, and how of the death of one allied soldier. There were 700 listed allied deaths. As for troop buildup being a war, how could the troops buildup if they were at war?
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News :: Media
House votes to allow import of trophies from polar bear hunts
News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/03/07)
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The Rebel Historian Eric Hobsbawm
03 Jul 2007
Georg Fulberth
If the third millenium is crafted according to the theological dogmas of market radicalism, we will fail. The price for this failure, the alternative to a transformed society, is darkness.
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Immigration Reform Is Needed, After Bush
02 Jul 2007
Stewart A. Alexander
Stewart Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, says, “I believe Congress should work on comprehensive immigration reform after President Bush ends his term in office. I do not believe this important issue should be used as a political football or as a bandage for an administration that is hemorrhaging before the nation and the world.”
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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : Military : Peace
Aksyon Sambayanan leader killed by NPA in the Philippines

27 June 2007, SAN PABLO CITY, PHILIPPINES - A woman peace advocate and the local head of the social movement Aksyon Sambayanan (People's Action) was killed Monday night by armed men believed to be members of the Maoist New People’s Army.
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News :: Media
New York moves to ban public filming and photography
News Junkie Scott's Blog (7/01/07)
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News :: Activism : Education : Media : Middle East : Protest Activity
Pascal.Tesson: The Pride of Quebec
01 Jul 2007
Bobby Meade
Although my account of Operation Desert Sabre lasted three days on Wikipedia, a Pascal.Tesson, an apparent Bush Nazi of Quebec City removed it. I guess that proves that Wikipedia is little more than the empty-headed reasoning of brainless Bush Nazis. Have this dumkopf try to refute one word that I have written and return what I typed for my End of Times submission for the Bible prophecy section of Religion 6/27. (I can type it again, but I shouldn't have to: plus it is practically the only thing that I have typed on Wikipedia.) They have interfered with my affairs long enough! (cont.)
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Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Peace : U.S. Government
In the military, thinking of joining?
video of presentation at AFSC in Pasadena during 2002
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