Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


LOCAL Commentary :: Media

Impeach Mainstream Media and Jail Murdock

Puppet regimes may come and go, but one of the greatest threats to freedom for most Americans is the Fourth Estate of propaganda and lies. This industry makes and breaks politicians. This industry and other elitists can easily handle a regime change—but they will continue to survive and thrive. Forget burning the flag: burn your newspaper instead—or one you especially despise.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Economy : Environment : Globalization

Call to Action: Oct. IMF/World Bank protest (Eng./Sp.)


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News :: Activism

Hold on info.

Self Summary.

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News :: Activism


Self Summary.Many years in the makeing of what can be done.If all one hand all one for truth and justice.

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News :: Peace

Interfaith Peace Walk Towards a Nuclear Free Future

Four participants in an 86-day walk from Dublin to London for a nuclear-free future have been arrested today at AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Aldermaston in Berkshire. They were protesting against the ongoing expansion at the facility.

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News :: International Relations : Military : Peace : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Portland Nuke Scenario

Captain Eric H. May posts an update to his breaking story on the Portland Nuke Scenario.

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News :: Media

Ghenghis: Crazy!

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/01/07)

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Commentary :: Middle East

US escalates ME arms race

US military package for allied Middle East states is designed to create a de facto Sunni Arab front against Iran as the region slips deeper into crisis.

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Interview :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Latin America : Miscellaneous

Venezuela: Interview with El Libertario

* Interview with indonesian anarchist journal EMPTY HEAVEN - May 2007 ( -- EMPTY HEAVEN collective website; -- indonesian anarchist/autonomist archive). More info in english & spanish about El Libertario:

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Announcement :: Activism

Call for support by Anarchists Against the Wall




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