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Baltimore IMC

News :: Activism


Self Summary.Many years in the makeing of what can be done.If all one hand all one for truth and justice.
Letter of note Financial Proposal or new submit to Congress. 03-08-07.

The price for this entrepreneur financial Proposal is $379.000.000.000. The item can be sold now under free trade more stock of items .Easement is to have the items sold receive the money but under a account in safety.

Also be able to get a return, one year in different banks say 379.000.000., 1.000.000 in each bank let it gain interest in each bank for one year, the money will roll over in that one year by doing this you gain 78 percent of a return to Congress for all party‘s and the people, a plus for the American Diplomatic Imperial Guard.

Police Zoners “new jobs opportunity“ .Blue air Item from N.S.A could be use to clean the air with in next ten years by using it as a muffle plug say, for instance widget for car’s or truck’s it can also be used to help with global warming and one Industrial Building Item solar energy device Copy Right Code Title 117, Pole Solar laser Nuke device.

The price that goes with the design in reference to Russia, France, Romania, Germany, England, and Jordon can be used in a positive way with the Police Zoners. Russia informed by United States President. Diplomatic Affiliated Associations.

Division C.I.A-F.B.I-Special Force-Military Use-Division of K.G.B- division of police, other sect of law of international Lines “Main item 360 wave- all system run.”.

In the last recent letters that where sent to your and his office, about a self-solar ground energy device, and the 300-land grid and submarines for the reopening of the new basses as the government could plan to use it in that matter. The 360 wave sent to be built under the Untied States to china "President Use" 06-12-07 to China as of the date of now and recent past 05-17-07.“Britain main intersect log“, is included in all information for the ten-page cover in all files if they can build.

With the CD-ROM ,CD like a visa card microchip, Hard Drive with Microchip as lettered in all item’s with configuration, can also be used for the MVP’3 CD’s, about the size of Quarter CD’s for the Expo, also a computer storage, consisting of several magnetic’s that can be used and stored as a six unit government use with the idea. Mail Legal letter of note sent to George Bush terms of the U.N.K Trade & Investment number on file 93511,also sent by E-mail.

In trying to correspond with the Company Microsoft, Apple there has been only a few letters concerning this matter to the office of William H. Gates in reference to industrial Items and computer devices , England, France, Romania, and Germany, Russia , Jordon., are so say in correspondence of this issue.

In trying, to make a business proposal with the United States President George Bush I have made a few but no recorrespondence has not yet been converged with the letters that have been sent.

In notes of trying to make proposals with the company Insight, Computer Logic. As of this date, only the United States government has responded to this issue.

This idea shown in the design item number not yet product (X102D9) same number with Hard-Drive (X102D9) the idea could change the world as we know about computers and the disk world as we know it the idea could Bring more info to A “Disk or used as a Hard Drive Disk” “Better Video-Games,” Music, with a wide rang of information and more Title Copy Right Code 117.

The design can hold info in a large field with a 360 Degrees Microchip.” A chip confederated in a disk to fit in the middle of a disk with a gold film to read the disk using a round microchip can be read on the “reading-points.” same with the hard drive disk with copper filming. An idea like this can bring terabyte’s on cd diskette and Ect.

The design brings sounds at one hundred percent also burning at one hundred percent .DVD 4.7 Giga bites two different formats with the item(X102D9)with the CD round microchip Terabytes can be added in a high rang the same with cell phones UP-Loading downloading.

A computer storage consisting of several magnetic that can be used and stored as a unit with the idea of the 360-wave in the same hence of other devices.

Briefly, the subject invention relates to a new configuration of a CD-ROM in which data is stored on the cd as reading points and copper and gold films are applied to protect the points or data. A microchip is provided at the center of the CD.

The CD includes annular holes, which receive prongs on the CD drive for rotation of the CD for reading the same.

Java script, C++, UNIX, Linux. In with text of library of congress, all programming computer books fallow for this document of running longer programming scripts for faster results.

Search No. 05.09 .mw.
In explaining, the new CD-ROM configurations with the microchip three sixty-degree processing microchip that has a indented 1, one half meter cube, with a indented round slips to access the top and bottom of the design that where sent to your office. Mr. Lawrence E. Laubscher. JR I and the president George W Bush have a business proposals deal attached with this draft of note.

This gives the Microchip the seal to be inbound together with a fiber optic slip around the chip and disk the components of the CD-ROM. This letter of note now completes the information of subject of matter.

First fine layer with the bottom that goes with item #2, copper and gold lines to keep the
Temperature at best to read the points with fine accuracy.

“Africa out side of the documents a different Issue democracy of note sent to president of the U.S.A.”.

My say in this case is attempted of fifth amendments issued of this disk.

Documents sent to the federal department in the investigate area as a safety net.

Sent To White House, Some of the speaker of the house.

All files Complete sent date 04 13-07.


Michael S Woolls.


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