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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: Environment

how the nazis abducted children for experiments

by RJ Lifton

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News :: Biotechnology

5 questions about what they are spraying on us

the luftwaffe works for monsanto now....and waste management?

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Commentary :: Military

War and Moral Choice

War is a moral choice and each solider has a right and the duty to act on this choice. If a solider deems a war to be immoral or illegal, the solider has the right to refuse and to act act according to their conscience.

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Announcement :: U.S. Government

Free RON PAUL 2008 stickers

Free Ron Paul 2008 stickers with SASE

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News :: Crime & Police : Education : Media : Military : Protest Activity

Gone to Be a Soldier in the Army of the Lord 10/16

"Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain? (Ps. 2:1) It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Is. 55:11) He who does evil is in line for his own death. (Pr. 11:19) (10/16 updates)

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News :: Activism : Environment : U.S. Government

Outrage is Sweeping Hawai'i

The inhabitants and the land of the Marshall Islands and the Bikini Islands were poisoned in the forties due to nuclear testing. Look at Kaho’olawe, still polluted despite over $400 million in cleanup efforts.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Bush is the most evil anyone through space-time can 'be'

Look, do you want to defeat the bad guys, or not?
Bush gave US zero evidence to form our free thoughts on the 911
Justice issue. Treason. Simple.

I have the plan. Return all the stolen monies, and hunt those
who rape torture, or murder. And.. get the neocons for treason
on 911 most especially. So, here we go..

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News :: Elections & Legislation

history, magic and new hampshire?

with all the political leapfroging, is the new hampshire primary still relevant?

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News :: Environment : U.S. Government

U.S. Army Confirms Depleted Uranium in Hawai’i

NEWS FLASH!!! Army Confirms Depleted Uranium at Pohakuloa on Hawai'i Island --- But it's not dangerous, so just move along folks... nothing to see here…is what the military says.

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News :: Media

"Possible" police role in 2002 Bali attack

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/18/07)

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