Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Activism

The Unconventional Action Newspaper is Out!

The UA paper is out, free, available!

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News :: Activism

When Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed


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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Socialists want Stronger Ties with Mexico

Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA fully support protecting the rights of working class people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border and both socialist parties oppose building border walls. All the 2008 candidates, from the two socialist parties, favor strengthening ties with Mexico and developing policy that will benefit working people in both countries and worldwide.

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News :: Elections & Legislation : U.S. Government

The 2008 Snake Race: Just reach inside the bag and pick our next president!

The Snake Oil Salesmen are selling again, but what's inside the packaging?

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News :: Activism : Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Protest Activity

PHILIPPINES: Gloria Arroyo is a Human Rights Violator!

Philippine-Human-Rights.JPGHers is a Morally Bankrupt Government with Distorted Human Rights Values!

Malacañang’s (Presidential Palace) cash gifts, for whatever fabricated excuses and delayed explanations, has exposed the governance of Ms. Gloria Arroyo as morally bankrupt.

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News :: Media

Bill of Rights under Bush: a timeline

Bill of Rights under Bush: a timeline

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Review :: Middle East

License to Murder

"One day it dawned on him that the US soldiers were the terrorists. We terrorized the population, intimidated and attacked them, demolished their houses and even raped their women. Those we did not kill have every reason to become terrorists."

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News :: Crime & Police

Chertoff -by coincidence- had security advisor at mall during shooting spree

News Updates from Citizens for Legitimate Government
10 Dec 2007

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News :: Crime & Police

‘Ameripol,’ a Latin America Regional Police Force, is Being Formed

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Announcement :: Culture

Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin Germany

An overview of a Berlin Germany based intercultural organization.

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