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News :: Elections & Legislation : U.S. Government

The 2008 Snake Race: Just reach inside the bag and pick our next president!

The Snake Oil Salesmen are selling again, but what's inside the packaging?

Apparently, anyone with a few million bucks worth of wealth special interest can run for U.S. President.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Al Gore, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Newt Gingrich, to name a few --- what do they all have in common? Easy, none of them is worthy of being the next President of the United States.

There are several reasons why Americans are in big trouble, why the two-party political system continues its spiral-down dilemma at the national and local levels and why parties just can't seem to organize and gain momentum to win elections by providing intelligent, honest, unbiased and ethical candidates.
There are very few candidates in the public eye who offer American voters a reasonable choice. One of the big problems is that corruptive influences have saturated the presidential market place. Who is free of special interest campaign contributions and which candidate hasn't stepped on a lot of others on their way up in gathering marketable value?

Many wealthy special interests have purchased media publications / syndications, so where can average Americans find the truth? Some of the truth may be found on various blogs, but even blogs are NOT special interest proof.

While there is no shortage of political aspirations and financial muscling among prospective candidates, there appears to be a void in character and ethics. Whatever happened to an "Honest Abe" and where is the candidate who will provide the proverbial "chicken in every pot"? Apparently, those days are gone forever.

Seems like every candidate these days has at least one or two "skeletons hanging in the closet".

On a positive note... there are many grassroots potential leaders coming "out of the woodwork" because it has become apparent to them and to many voters that our American society needs them. Certainly we need more honor among politicians and require their independence of special interest dollars and perks. What's the use of having an Ethics Commission if the members are store-bought?

American families are hurting big-time! Home foreclosures are at an all time high and millions are without jobs and health care. Few Americans can keep up with their monthly living expenses. Many have been (and are) using credit cards for daily living expenses and have maxxed-out their credit limits owing creditors in record numbers.

If more angry and discontented voters feel the same way at the national and local levels, we may soon see a change for the better. If not, you may want to apply in advance for a passport and/or work visa while we still are able to freely travel abroad to find a new nation of residence.

Maybe we shouldn't act so quickly to build that 2,000-mile fence between Mexico and the U.S.? We may need the escape route.


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