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News :: Miscellaneous

My Resignation From The Democratic Party

The United States has effectively become a military dictatorship with a mere window dressing of democracy. This is unacceptable to myself and to the immortal soul of the Constitution of the United States of America.

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News :: Globalization

Relating To Our Elders, On Anarchist Radio News

Please visit our web page and join us for this important discussion.

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News :: Protest Activity

How To Enact A Liberal Agenda In The Public And Private Sector.


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LOCAL News :: Labor

Living Wage Campaign At Towson Shifts Into Action Phase

Students and faculty at Towson University met thursday with school representative Jeff Sutton to deliver over 1000 signed petitions in support of a living wage for Housekeeping workers employed by the Aramark corporation at Towson. This marks the first step in the new phase of the living wage campaign begun this semester by the Student/Worker Alliance at Towson (SWAT). The meeting will be followed up by a rally this coming Tuesday at 2PM to show student and community support for the workers and to urge the administration to improve working conditions for the workers.

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Commentary :: Protest Activity

A Proposal For Solidarity

The Anti-Capitalist Convergence of the Phillipines is already planning a solidarity action!

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News :: Miscellaneous

The New Islamic Empire

Unlike Christianity, Islam is concerned with seeking to regulate, not only man's relationship with God (through his conscience), but human relationships in society as well. Therefore, there can be not only an Islamic "church" but also Islamic law, and an Islamic state. The dual religious and social character of Islam sees itself as commissioned by God to bring its own value system to the world through the jihad.

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News :: Miscellaneous

It's The Occupation

The Israeli side must realize that the solution for the occupation is not, nor can it ever be, more occupation, more bombings, and more state

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News :: Miscellaneous

The Myth Of Bio-terrorism

For the last few weeks the media has been shocking us with alarming images and warnings about the dangers posed by bio-terrorism. Bio-terrorism brings up images of clouds of poison gas and horrible scabby mutant people, but how much of a threat does it really constitute?

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News :: Miscellaneous

J. David Galland's..."America's Rip Van Winkle Syndrome"

J. David Galland clarifies that while Americas languished in comfort, and a false sense of security for the past nine years, their elected politicians eroded National Security, by omission and commission. The harsh end result being September 11th. Dedicated to the memory and eternal rest of those lost, on September 11, 2001, and December 7, 1941

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News :: Miscellaneous

People Of The World We Have The Power To Change Things

There are evil people among all races and nationalities and religions who are trying to keep us fighting and killing each other. This evil is not limited to any race, or religion.

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