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Baltimore IMC

News :: Globalization

Relating To Our Elders, On Anarchist Radio News

Please visit our web page and join us for this important discussion.
Tonight on Anarchist Radio News, two local activists discuss the recent protests against the terrorist School of the Americas in Georgia, how the rest of the Anti-Globalization movement can relate to its elders, and organizing with communities of religious faith. Our guests are a Quaker woman and a super-gardener, both very thoughtful people who have long been active in working for a better world.

Live 5 to 7 PM (PST) at

Don't forget, Anarchist Radio News rebroadcasts 24 hours a day at the same location and has every back episode archived. If you missed the last two shows, I honestly urge you to download and listen to the December 3rd show (on the Model Emergency Health Powers Act) and the December 6th show (on the highway blockades against the War on Drugs, now up in Bolivia.) Both of those subjects are of vital importance and the two women who were guests provided essential information and analysis.

Anarchist Radio News: Subversive Information, Reusable Source Citations
Please Let Your Friends Know About This Exciting New Media Outlet

Anarchist Radio News via

PLEASE find out about the highway blockades going on right now in Bolivia, fighting and dying to resist the US War on Drugs. Daily news at

Help spread the word about the Model Health Emergency Powers Act, proposed legislation that allows states to enact mass quarantine and mandate vaccination. It's frightening!
read a summary via (search Emergency Health Powers) and go to for the text of the bill and a critique from Georgetown U.
Stuff's getting way worse, way fast and we all need to know it! Info about other ways to live!

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