Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

Only Poetry Can Address Grief: Moving Forward From 911 (excerpt)

The global justice movement has often been accused of not knowing what it wants. In reality, we know clearly the broad outlines of what we want even though we have a multiplicity of ideas of how to get there. I can lay it out for you in five short paragraphs:

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News :: Globalization

Upcoming Events

Come and join us!

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News :: Peace

US\British Bombing Kill 3,500 Afghani Civilians


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News :: Elections & Legislation

Coalition Of Community And Labor Mobilizes To Reshape City Council

A broad based coalition is working to return power to the community through electoral reform that would make Baltimore City Councilmembers more accountable to the people they represent. 10,000 signatures are needed to win a November 2002 referendum to insitute single-member council districts.

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News :: Children

Shouldn't We Be Asking Baltimore Colleges To Do The Same Thing?

Courtesy of University of Wisconsin officials say campus police won't aid the U.S. Attorney's office in questioning international students. In a city with a considerable number of colleges and an even larger number of international students, shouldn't we be asking Baltimore colleges if they'd do the same thing?

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News :: Miscellaneous

History Of Activism, History As Activism

In the 1970s, social historians - many with roots in activist movements of the 1960s - dramatically transformed the focus and function of the discipline. They turned their studies to those most historically invisible,
and challengedthe notion of historical objectivity. This graduate conference will focus on three different yet interrelated aspects of the relationship between history and activism

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News :: Miscellaneous

A Law Greater Than Gravity To Save The World

A Spiritual Law that will Work for you. This is as real as the Low of gravity. This works for me and I do not belong to any group or organization. Just me, and it will also work for all of you. Together we will all be the winners.

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News :: Miscellaneous

What To Do? Resisting The War!

Thoughts on how we can effectively stop the war.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Supporting Revolutionary Afghan Women

Article from North Eastern Anarchist on why anarchists should support the Revolutionary Association of Women of Aghanistan (RAWA)

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

Techno-libertarianism, The Zapatistas And Rhizomatic Networks

The connection between techno-libertarianism, the Zapatistas and Al-Qaeda

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